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Requests: I will not do smutt or sexual assault. I'm okay writing a simple kiss on the lips (idk what to refer to it as) along with sexual comments though. I might be willing to write a French kiss but they personally freak me out in terms of writing at least, so the chances are low.

I also will not do x Reader Oneshots.

Everything else should be on the table though. I will let you know if I am uncomfortable with any part of your request(perhaps we could tweak it a bit or you could make a different request).

Warnings: stories within this book may contain mentions or usage of drugs and alcohol, medication such as pills(most likely made up but possibly based on a real thing), sexual comments/jokes or implications of characters having sex but not actual written scenes and all consensual, topics such as pedophillia, blood, violence, weapons such as Genshin typical weapons, knifes, and possibly other weapons; abuse, near death experiences or death, anxiety, depression, suicide, suicidal thoughts or acts, mental disorders(probably unspecified), homophobia and/or transphobia, and potentially other triggering topics.

Please note that it is not a guarantee to see these topics in my stories, just a possibility. I will also probably write a warning before the oneshot itself if I feel that it's especially bad, for example, if the story has a LOT of blood.

I will most likely not include anything on non consensual sex or Sa. But, if I do, I will put a warning before the story begins. Previously when doing this I also put a warning before the paragraph that the situation took place, in hopes of allowing a reader to enjoy the story, without having to read a potentially triggering scene. The scenes will also be short if they happen and the evil doer will not be getting very far as the victim will either be saved or be a complete badass who will deal with the bitch themselves. I will most likely have this as a means to kill off a character, and nothing more. I prefer my stories to have happy endings with people who would do such things so dead that they no longer exist.

If I should fail to make a warning for a scene such as this, feel free to yell at me. Like, really spam the comments until I fix it.

If you see something as a potential trigger or are triggered by something that I failed to put warning for, please inform me so I can edit it to ensure it doesn't happen to other people and you have my apologies in advance if you are triggered by anything in my stories that I failed to put a warning for.

Not to say that I won't try my best though there may be things that slip past me or things that I didn't consider as a potential trigger.

Either way. please inform me on my mistakes. I accept constructive criticism.

Key word being constructive. Please don't hate on anything I write just because you don't like it.

Thank you for reading my book.

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