( in complex longgggggggg sentences) Life is full of rainbows and silver linings, I was busy reaching it, Then, fall downstairs (literally and still aching. )
But I'm good at fixing myself. I cried a bit.. or a lot.. I laughed a lot too.. I joked around with my friends.. I argued a lot with whoever or whatever I want to,
I reminisced about you too.. Thinking how can one who is so gentle, can be so hurtful. One who so kind, can be so cruel too, One who so know the right words to say, can be obnoxious too.
One who tried to avoid you, Should remained undisturbed..
Stop. I know you would say. "But, I didn't mean to..."
Then, I moved on or tried too. But now in dilemma of why I am here writing this..???
Anyways, I am special to myself and life is short, And here I am leaping and chasing the rainbow again. Nothing to be sorry for now. Forgiven and FORGOTTEN too. .
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(In simple sentence. ) Life is complicated indeed.
Then, I flip my shawl and walk away. Because I'm going for holiday and intended to protect my inner peace. Weeeeee...