La Fête des Coeurs Pt 2

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The wagon bumped against the ridges of the old bridge as Phillipe drove us to town with Cletus. "Allons-nous passer chez vous, Philippe?" Madame asked Philippe. "No, his family will meet us there," I answered for him, fidgeting with the hem of my dress. There hasn't been a fete des coeurs in more than a decade. Most likely since my parents were my age, I bet. I never asked Papa about his fete with mama. But, I was most fortunate to be able to live this dream.

"Etes-vous heureuse, Annie?" Madame placed her hand on my fidgeting fingers. Was I happy? I've always lived surrounded by happiness. No problem was too great. But since I met Timothee, I've begun to know a different kind of happiness. "Oui, Madame," I squeezed her hand slightly, "I am very happy."

The town had completely transformed one day to another. Every shop, home and alley were decorated to the rim of the town. Golden lanterns dangled from the roofs of every stone building. Paper flowers were placed everywhere! There was nowhere that you wouldn't find these delicate paper mache creations. "D'accord, cherie, let's tie the mask on." Madame took it from my lap and, with quick fingers, tied the ribbons in place. "Sommes ici!" Philippe said over his shoulder. Madame nodded as she ran her scrutinizing gaze at my appearance. "C'est magnifique," she praised me. "Now, go. Live your fairytale."

She kissed my forehead before practically pushing me out of the wagon. "Philippe!" I heard a woman's voice exclaim. Philippe's mother waved her arms as tiny versions of Philippe ran towards us. "T'es retard. Nous etions inquiets." She continued reproaching Philippe while greeting me with a kiss on my cheek. Philippe's brothers chant a nursery rhyme, passing me without a second glance. Those marmots. "Enjoy la fete, tante!" I yelled over the party noises. Music seemed to come from all corners of Pierre-mont. The people flooded the streets in various shades of red and pink. A few yellows, green, and blues were in the mix as well.

I don't think she heard me but I wasn't paying much attention either. I began to scan the crowds for one specific face. Just one face in particular. But every other person has on a mask. I emerged myself into the crowds of Pierre-mont. "Pardon, pardon." I squeezed myself through the bodies of the people I've known since I was a baby. If I were I to try to identify everyone, I wouldn't know who was who. My eyes were trained for one person and one person only.

Fortunately for me, he found me before I could find him. An arm found itself wrapping around my waist and yanking me away from the others. I yelped in fright. "Shh, c'est moi!" I smiled underneath my masks. "Timothee!" I twirled my body around and hugged him tightly.

"I can't stay long, Princess Sunshine." I didn't care. I just wanted to feel him in my arms for a while. "I just wanted to see you in the dress." He was also wearing a mask. One of those dark, simple ones. But he was very much dressed for the occasion. "I thought you were long gone, Tim." He grabbed ahold of my hand, quickly leading me to the main festivités. "No, I had business in town. I'll be off in a few days." My eyes narrowed suspiciously. "But you we said goodbye two days ago? You've been in Pierre-mont all this time?" We ducked into a darkened ally between the two biggest shops.

I leaned against the red brick wall as he gently lifted my mask. "I know I've made myself untrustworthy in your eyes, Annette." He was right. "But I had to leave as soon as could before the guard found me again. When the nobles leave after the fete, I'll be sneaking off undetected." He placed his forehead on mine, rubbing his thumbs across my cheeks just so. "Why didn't you tell me? Do you know all the ways my life has gone wrong since you left?"

"I apologize, my Princess Sunshine." He pecked my nose lovingly. "Would you like to tell me about?" I swayed into him. "Mm, no. Let's enjoy the time we have left together. I'll tell you when you get back."


We danced along the main roads in with a merry spring in our steps. The music blared on against the night's silence. Tim and I never let go of each other. We sang, we danced, we drank. But most of all, we kissed. For most of the night, we enjoyed the fête as two honeymooners would their first married day. I had not laughed the way I did that night in years. Since before my mama's death. He brought me back to life. A life I had not known I was missing.

At the end of the night, we found ourselves back to our meadowlands. Right next to our springs. I laid my head upon his arm, enjoying the comfort of the night. We tangled our fingers together, simply being playful with each other. "What did you see in the springs, Timothee?" He used his free hand to curl and uncurl a strand of my hair. "I saw my future." He whispered into my ear. "And you're in it." My heart melted right there. I kissed him. Softly at first. But then, I deepened it. A part of me then wanted more. I knew it was wrong but I did. I didn't know when we would see each other again.

He stopped me, however, before we did what would ruin us. "When I get back," he whispered against my lips, almost tortured. "When you get back," I repeated our hidden promise with a giggle. We stayed like that well into the morning. Neither of us wanted to let go of the other. But we knew that our time was short. We both had to acknowledge that. And for one last night, I could pretend that my life wasn't in shambles. That I was living the fairytale that I've heard so much about once more.

Before night gave way to day, Tim escorted me back home. Hand in hand, like the true gentleman he was. "Has the farm gotten well without me these last few days?" Sensitive subject.

"We'll do just fine, Tim." I carefully placed my head on his shoulder. "Keep your focus on reconnecting with you family. I will do what I always did before you came into our lives." He stopped us right at the bridge. "What about Madame's boutique?" I shrugged. I loved working at the boutique these last few weeks, but the farm needed me. Papa needed me. "We'll do fine. And if Madame needs me, then I'll help her. Tout ira bien." I kissed him once more. His hands immediately went to cradle my face.

"Je t'aime, Timothee." His eyes roamed my face. In a few seconds, he tried to memorize every single detail. And I did the same. "I love you, Princess Sunshine." I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed me fiercer than ever. With every kiss, I got more comfortable with him. I think I had even begun to desire him. I may never know what would've been different if he stayed there with me. We walked away from each other right after that not-so-chaste kiss.

I walked down the old wooden bridge without turning back. If I had, I wouldn't have made it down without breaking. But, no matter how many times I think that that was the very moment that brought tragedy into my life, it was the latter that did.

"Annette! C'est ton papa!"

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