CHAP 1 || Park

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I went to the park with my friends since we all planned having a picnic there so I can escape my horrible life at my house we were not eating at the ground I ate my fav food suddenly my friend baji said something

"Yo Y/n I have a suggestion for you" baji said I looked at him confused what does he mean by suggestion?

"What do you mean?" I asked to the black haired man he then smiled at me 

"Why don't you buy a house just for you and your brother? So you two can end your miserable life? What do ya say?"baji said to me that made me quite I was thinking about what he just said

"I'll ask my brother about it" I smiled at him emma then suddenly speaked draken was the first to look

"Hey guys! Are y'all free next weekend?" Everyone nodded including me we asked her why she then said we all should go to the amusement

After 3 hours we all finally went home My mood changed smiling to little bit sad angry my brother and mom was fighting what is the reason now

"What's going on here brother? Mother?" I said nicely while bowing to show respect my brother immediately went to his room my mom then grinned evily at me and went closer to me and hold my shoulders I was a little scared she then said

"Y/n dear! You finally arrived I have good news for you!" She said happily I knew it won't be good news for me and my brother since they fought I was so shocked what she said next I was now angry

"Your getting engaged!! Don't you love it you be marrying a rich man he can spoil you with money and only money!! Oh my I forgot to tell you his name his name is shinichiro sano!" She said to me that made me shocked and angry she knows I hate being for forced for sumthin or someone but what I hate the most is being involved in gangs Yes my family is also involved in gangs but I didn't wanted to be included in those shitty

"THE GANG LEADER?" I said to my mother she nodded I removed her hands off my shoulders and ran off to my room I showed her my middle finger and runned as fast as I can I cried for hours my brother then knocked at my door

"Hey, Y/n can I come in sis?" I quickly opened the door when I opened the door I immediately hugged him and cried again he closed the door and hugged me back his hugs and kisses in my forehead is always my favorite from him he always makes me calm by just hugging or kissing my forehead
I then remembered what baji told me I immediately looked at my brother and told him

"Ne nii-chan(?) Why don't we buy a house and live there?" I said while smiling bigly he looked at me and nodded

"That's a good idea but I won't come with you since you know if I come with you they will search for you by using me I'll just stay here I will always visit you kay'? I will buy you your house tomorrow night ok?" He said smiling to me I was sad also cause he won't come with me

[Tomorrow night since I can't think of anything for the next day]

"I'm gonna miss you visit me always ok?" I said to my brother I just finished packing my bags and luggages

"I will don't worry take care of yourself ok? If ever mother or father ever asked me where are you I'll just say idk you probably run away" he chuckled he then rubbed/patted my head

"Oh btw here take this don't even dare to give it back to me" my brother said to me while he gave three cards:platinum,gold,black

"But nii-chan I don't need thes-" he cutted me off due because he pushed me inside the taxi the taxi driver already knew where to take me my brother already also payed the taxi driver


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