CHAP 2 || New house

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📍Third persons pov

Y/n finally reached her house the house looked absolutely lovely inside and outside after 2 hours unpacking and fixing her Things she finally rested in the bed She slept out of tiredness

📍your pov

The next Morning I woke up due because of a freaking call I took my phone that was in the side bed table And answered the call

"Hello? Who is this?" I said I stand up when I realized it was my brother who called

"Hey sis! Are you free today? " He asked I nodded and said yes

"good!! I wanted to treat you breakfast at your favourite Restaurant! Get dressed I'll be there in 50 minutes" he said before hanging up I stand up from my bed and went inside the bathroom and Took a bath, changed my outfit it took me 10 minutes I heard a knock thinking it was my brother It was really him

Time skip

We finally reached the restaurant my smile was so big my brother just laughed at me Seconds later the waiter came to our table and asked for our order I ordered my fav dish and my brother just ordered his fav dish  the waiter then left

Minutes later the waiter came with our order The waiter then excused himself and left me and my brother ate the food I was smiling widely because of the taste of the food It was heaven

Minutes later after we ate our food my brother got annoyed cause I was too lazy to stand up because I was so full my brother then carried me I smiled

"Ugh you need to walk on your own after you eat your already 22 damn it"  he said but we two ended up laughing

📍Third person pov

Few minutes later Y/n and her brother finally arrived at Y/n's house Her brother was about to put her down when he realized they were already asleep so he just sighed and went inside her house and bringed them at their bed room, he gently putted You at bed and went down stairs he didn't left since he was waiting for you to wake up

Y/n's brother then got a phone call it was their mother

"KARL L/N WHERE IS Y/N????!!!! TELL US OR WE WILL TRACK YOUR LOCATION DOWN" it was their father who Spoked Karl's eyes widen he immediately drived away from Y/n's House He drove away from Y/n's House Their father finally tracked Karl's location but he's far away from your house

📍Karl's Pov

"KARL L/N WHERE IS Y/N?! TELL US OR WE WILL TRACK YOUR LOCATIONS DOWN" dad shouted through the phone I quickyly ran to my car, before Dad tracks my phone aka my location I drove away from Y/n's house I gotta keep her safe and away from our parents marriage shits, Dad already tracked my location luckyly I'm finally away from  Y/n's house don't worry Y/n I'll keep you safe I won't let mom and dad marry you to some wrong bad person, don't worry sis I will protect You with all my life even if it means me dying...

📍Third person pov

Y/n finally woke up after 2 hours of sleeping she looked at her phone it was lunch time she went downstairs seeing her brother wasnt here she just went to the kitchen and prepared herself lunch

After few minutes she finally finished cooking her lunch she went to the fridge and took out soft drink which is was coke she then sits at the table sit and finally ate, after she ate she cleaned up the dishes she went to her room and got dressed and took her bag she really didn't know where she is going so she texted her friends only hakkai,yuzuha, emma,mikey,draken,kazutora,chifuyu,baji,hina,takemitcby,pah-chin, peh-yan were the only ones who are free they all decided to go to the Mall when she went out of her house she was checking her bag if her keys,phone, wallet,makeup kit,first aid kit was there She was too busy on checking her bag That she bumped to someone it was a guy

He holds Y/n's Waist before she fell You looked to his eyes he just smirked which you blushed You then stand up

"I'm sorry sir for bumping into you it won't happen again" as Y/n bowed several times

"It's fine gorgeous just be careful next time pretty ladies like you should really focus at your front you look pretty wanna go on a date?" he said to Y/n who was bowing she then looked at the man They're faces were inches close

He had short down black hair with a White T-shirt Covered with a Black uniform at his shoulders he have Black pants

"I'm sorry sir but I need to go now sir and Yesnt" Y/n smiled and waved and runs away

📍Your Pov

"I'm sorry sir but I need to go now sir and Yesnt" I smiled to the guy and waved and run away That guy was kinda annoying but he's hot damn too bad i rejected him I then focused on running I got to the bus stop right timing the bus was already there I Went inside the bus


I finally arrived at the mall They were waiting for me at the McDonalds they saw me and waved I went inside we all talked they ordered fries and Ice cream for me Since that's my fav How sweet of them after we all ate the girls and me went on a shopping spree the boys wallet Was crying since they were the one who's paying for our Shoppings ALL OF OUR Shoppings they were the one who payed but

I was busy still thinking about that man hes hot ngl Ugh I wanna meet him again

Sorry for the long update for this book my tablet broke so I had to fixed it at some mechanics anyways I will try to update more and faster thank you for your patiences!! Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!!


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