CHAP 3 || Meeting

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I went back to my senses since hina keep on shouting at me cause I was out of focus

"Hey girl are you ok?" She asked they all looked at me worried I nodded they made sure if I was really okay I keep on nodding they then went back on talking about Hina and Takemitchys marriage I still thought of that man my phone then ringed, it was my mother I rolled my eyes and answered the call

"Y/N?! Where are you baby??? I WAS SO WORRIED Anyways that's not the point why I called come to the mansion rn You are going to meet your fiancé Shinichiro! Wear elegant and Revealing ok?" she said before ending the call I got a text from mother saying I should be there by 8PM it was already 7PM so I said goodbye to my friends went to the mansion
My brother was surprised to see me there

"Y/N?! what are you doing here??! Go home now" my brother Kyle said to me while making me go home but then our father and mother came to the living room

"y/n My beautiful daughter" my mother said to me while running towards me pushing my brother away so she can hug me I didn't hugged her back I was still in disgust later on we left the mansion with my brother I rode his Lamborghini

"Why did you came back Y/n(Your nickname)" he said worriedly I calmed him down by saying I came cause our mother called us we four reached the restaurant

My mom and dad then saw the guy and shaped hands with he was with A girl, and two boys when I looked closely the girl was EMMA?!

"Y/n?!?! OMG BESTIE DIDN'T KNOW YOU WILL BE MY BROTHERS FIANCÉ ACKK" she hurriedly stands up at her chair and rushed to me and hugged me

2 minutes later

Me and EMMA talked While my mother and Father was talking to the guy I bumped I was still in shock HE WAS MY FIANCÉ?! I mean I'm not complaining cause his hot but still The tan boy next to him looked bored and keep rolling his eyes and the other boy Was eating dorayaki and taiyaki chocolate flavoured he gave me a taiyaki Red bean Flavoured

I thanked him 3 minutes later the waiter finally arrived with our food and we all ate and left the restaurant

"You know Mr.sano you should visit our Mansion so you and Y/n can be close to each other I mean you two are getting married soon!" My mother said I was still busy talking to Mikey and Emma

📍Third persons pov

"I would love to Mrs.L/n I will try to visit y'all next week maybe?" He said while smiling And looked at you and smirked we all went home and your brother took you back to your house he rested in his room in his room You made for him you then made some dorayakis since that was your and your brothers favorite

After you cooked you went to your brothers room he was resting We ate the dorayakis and he left and went back to the mansion

I was about to sleep when my phone ringed

"y/nniee are you tomorrow??? Let's go to the park tomorrow!" Emma said I nodded and said sure she said what time I should be there I then fell asleep now cause it was already 10:03PM

Tomorrow at 8:30

I woke up cause of my alarm I turned it off and stand up and went to the bathroom to get changed after I took a bath I wore my fav outfit and ate breakfast and went out to go to the grocery to buy groceries I went out of my house and locked and went to the grocery I finally arrived there and buyed the stuffs,food, I need at home and went home I then changed my outfit and went to the theme park

Using my Motorcycle and finally arrived the theme park I saw Emma and Mikey at the dorayaki stand Emma was getting annoyed since at the looks at it Mikey buyed too many dorayaki and taiyaki haha I got off my motorcycle and removed my helmet and went to them Mikey and Emma saw me, Mikey gaved me two dorayakis and taiyakis I thanked him

"y/n!! You arrived at time we just need to wait for someone" I looked at her confused who could be we be waiting as I muched on the dorayaki it was so good! I then heard a familiar voice I looked behind me it was SHINICHIRO?! he was running towards us he doesn't look formal tho he was just wearing a jacket with square shapes on it and a black t-shirt

"Ah Onee-chan you finally arrived" Emma rushed to SHINICHIRO and hugged him I was at shock he looked at me and smiled I felt something in my stomach everytime I saw him he really is handsome damn I then Act natural and cold (Cold as The sanos mom)

(pls correct me if I was wrong on the Onee-chan or what Thank you if you did corrected me I appreciate it)

"what is he doing here?" I said Emma and SHINICHIRO looked at me

"I invited him to come so you two can hang out right??!!!" We then went inside the theme park and started playing around and rode the roller coaster and stuffs I was struggling to get the stuffed duck inside the claw machine I then felt two hands above my hands and someone behind me I looked behind it was shinichiro he was helping me get the stuffed toy he got the stuffed toy and gave it to me

"Here you go M'lady" he smiled I blushed and took the stuff toy and we all then went home I hoped on my motorcycle shinichiro was waiting for me at his bike I didn't really care and I went home he was following me I didn't have any choice but to let him inside my house

"What do you want? " I told him while I was searching in the cabinets

"You'' he simply said and I looked at him I looked like tomato he simply laughed

" shut up seriously what do you want" I said again he then looked at me

"just udon" I nodded and started cooking

Sorry for Long update I didn't have any idea for his chapter I'll really really try to update more and faster hope you liked this chapter Feel free to vote and comment I'll appreciate it

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