Chap 6 || keys

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Y/n then took the keys from shinichiro

"thanks now leave if you don't have any questions or concerns" y/n said as they were gonna shut the door but shinichiro stopped them closing the door with his foot

"What now?" They asked shinichiro annoyed as he smiled

"I wanted to invite you for dinner tonight at 8 if you don't have anything to do" he said while leaning against the door frame smiling

"I am busy now leave" y/n said annoyed

"Too bad love, I'll pick you up later" he said as he smirked and chuckled

"Too bad, no" y/n said still annoyed

"You have no choice" shinichiro said

Y/n just shut the door as they upstairs to lay down shinichiro on the other hand was chuckling while thinking about y/n as he hopped on his motor and put his helmet as he drove away

"I hate him so much! " y/n screamed through their pillow angrily as they sat down thinking about killing and punching shinichiro in their mind they then decided to take a cold bath to cool off the anger inside of them
While they were turning the water on they went to their closet to pick some clothes to wear for tonight as they had no choice

After they picked out some clothes they went back inside the bathroom and hopped on the bathtub which made y/n relaxed
And started to wash them self to get some snacks

After 12 minutes

Y/n took the towel beside the bathtub and wrap it around their body and went out the bathroom to their room and searched for their lotion and put it on their hand and spread it around their body after that they wore a temporary clothes since there were still 5 hours left before shinichiro come back and pick them up they then went down stairs to make themself a snack to eat and watched some drama at their tablet which was placed on the table

Timeskip(3 hours has passed cause idk what to put😕🙏🏼)

Y/n wore their outfit and sat down at their makeup table and did her skin care routine again(sorry) and put some light makeup(lipgloss,mascara,powder,blush😜🤞🏻) they then started to style their hair(your choice what you think Makes you more confident)

After doing all that they put all the things they need inside their bag

They then went down stairs to wear their heels suddenly shinichiro has came to pick you up on time! He called you through the phone letting you know he's already here you then went to the door to open it you saw shinichiro dressed formally which m...

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They then went down stairs to wear their heels suddenly shinichiro has came to pick you up on time! He called you through the phone letting you know he's already here you then went to the door to open it you saw shinichiro dressed formally which made y/n stare at him he looked hot and handsome(yet he still bitchless) as he hopped off his motorcycle he saw you dressed beautifully which made him stare at you like he saw the most beautiful woman in the whole world he smiled  while admiring your beauty

He then fixed his suit and went to you and held his hand to you to guide you to his motor

He then fixed his suit and went to you and held his hand to you to guide you to his motor

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(Like this idk how to explain 😕🙏🏼)

Which made y/n blushed he then helped you to get on the motor carefully not to get hurt after you hopped on the motor he put the helmet on your head gently he then hopped on to the motor and wore his helmet which made you put your hands on his shoulder he took your hands off his shoulder and put it around his (slutty waist with abs 😜) waist he started the engine and drove to the restaurant

7 minutes after

You guys have finally arrived at the restaurant he then parked his motor, he got off of his motor first and held his hands to you so you can get down carefully

But you hopped off the motor without his help so he just wrap his hand around your waist as you two went inside the waiter guided you two to the reserved table just for the two of you

He helped you on the chair by pushing it gently towards the table he then sit at his chair in front of you, the waiter brought the menus to the both of you as he waited for you two to order shinichiro told his order to the waiter(cause idk what to put as the food y'all forgive me)

(Your choice again what you eat for this scene)

"Is that all?" The waiter asked while smiling

"Yes" shinichiro said while you nodded the waiter then excuses himself to tell the chef the order

"You look beautiful" shinichiro said to you as he continued to admire the most beautiful woman in front of him

"Shut up" y/n said to shinichiro which made him chuckle he then took out something from his pocket it was a small box

"Here open it" shinichiro said while handing the box over to y/n

Y/n then took the box and opened it, it was tulip with some little rose beads necklace

"Tulips symbolizes true love and roses symbolizes love and peace" shinichiro said as he took the necklace from the box and put it on y/n's neck as y/n looked at it admiring the beauty while shinichiro on the other hand was admiring your beauty as he sat down at his chair still looking at you

"Thank you i guess..." Y/n said as they hid their face from embarrassment and shyness and blushing which made shinichiro smiled
The waiter finally arrived with the food and placed the food in front of you two

"Enjoy" the waiter said as he walked away you two started eating the food

You put your utensils(cause idk what you ordered) down and asked SHINICHIRO

"Why did you Agree for us to get married?" Y/n asked SHINICHIRO the question that's has been in their head for a long time now

Omg hi guys it's been so long since I updated this book since I was busy cause many things have been happening I am deeply sorry guys I couldn't update this fan fiction for a long time if there are readers who are still waiting and reading this fanfic thank you so much for reading and waiting I promise I will update this fanfic too I was just lacking motivation for a long time too😭 thank you for reading see you at the next chapter have a good day or night

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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