[CO] Patent Daydream Charm-🍋

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Harry Potter crossover, based on The Half-Blood Prince, 6th year. Ships and events will not correspond with the cannon ships and actions.
Katsuki-Draco Malfoy
Izuku-Harry Potter
Denki-Ron Weasley
Momo-Hermione Granger
Kirishima-George Weasely
TetsuTetsu-Fred Weasley
Ochako-Ginny Weasley
Endeavor-Severus Snape

Starting off strong 😌
Izuku's POV

I walked through Diagon Alley with a bit of difficulty. I had my Invisibility cloak on to avoid crowds of people. Now that everyone has accepted the fact that All For One is back they are trying to act as if they never did anything.

I'm only here for new quills, I had accidentally snapped my last one in Todoroki's class. Stupid prat. Stay on track. I quickly slipped into Flourish and Blotts. It was a bit chilly out and the warmth was appreciated. I stalked through the mostly empty store, most of Diagon Alley was empty nowadays, scared of Death Eater's or Dementor's attacking.

I grabbed a package of quills, nothing special. I ran to the counter and dropped two galleons before racing out, leaving a shocked wizard at the counter. I was going to leave but Kirishima's and Tetsu's new shop caught my eye. It was of course the brightest shop in Diagon Alley. I should drop by and check in.

I know business has been going great and even as I walk closer I can see crowds of kids through the window. I ducked behind they're shop and shoved my quills and Invisibility cloak in my bag. I pulled my robes tighter around myself, the wind blowing curls in my face. I pulled the door open and was thankful everyone was to absorbed in the Trickster Duo's inventions.

I made my way to the back room where they were most likely to be. I squeezed through groups of kids and giggling girls. My attention was caught by Kirishima's voice over by the pygmy puffs. I walked over to see Kirishima and Tetsu advertising the Patented Daydream Charms to a group of 5th year girls.

"One simple incantation and you will enter a top-quality, highly realistic, thirty-minute daydream, easy to fit into the average school lesson and virtually undetectable! The side effects include a vacant expression and minor drooling! Not for sale to under-sixteens!" Tetsu said loudly. I remember this from a couple of months ago, Momo had found it very impressive magic.

I'm not sure why this caught my interest now though. Kirishima's eyes landed on me and he smiled that bright pointy smile.

"A free one goes for Izuku Midoriya! Get over here!" He called. The girls shuffled excitedly and I sighed in exasperation but still held a small smile. The girls let me through whispering to each other. Tetsu wrapped me in a hug.

"Blimey Midoriya, it's been a month! Where have you been mate?" Kirishima asked. I chuckled awkwardly trying to ignore all of the staring females.

"N.E.W.T.'s keeping us on our toes, sorry 'bout that." I rubbed the back of my neck. Tetsu nodded in understanding.

"Anyways, did you want one?" Tetsu asked gesturing at the Patented Daydream Charms. I huffed.

"Merlin's beard, why not?" I said with a grin. Kirishima grabbed one off of the platform and handed me the small box.

"You have fun with that!" Kirishima said with a wink. I felt my face redden and scoffed at them as I left.

I inspected the box on my way back to Hogwarts. Not many people were out, preferring the warmth of the library or common room. I was walking up the steps when I saw Kacchan. I stopped and narrowed my eyes, he's been acting suspicious. Missing Quidditch, moping around. He glanced at me from his spot, leaning against the railing.

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