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As the morning sun peaks through the window Jacob sits in his chair once again, dark circles under his eyes. He rubs his face and flinches when Maisie's bedroom door opens.

Maisie stops when she sees Jacob looking at her, wide awake compared to his dreadful exhaustion. "Why are you up so late?" Jacob deaths out. Maisie swings her arms as she starts walking "suns awake, so I'm awake." she stops after three steps as Jacob takes a moment to look out a window.

He groans as the sun pierces through his brown eyes. He then stands up and adjusts his shoulders. Maisie instantly walks to his room. Jacob turns and clears his throat, Maisie turns to him and looks down. "Where do you think you're going?" Jacob says, and Maisie smiles "your room." She then enters his room.

Jacob quickly makes his way to the door and when he enters he sees Maisie staring at the sleeping lady. Then she looks up at the dresser and sees a book she'd been wanting to read for a while. Jacob watches her eyes and sees it up, and it's right above the lady.

Jacob looks at Maisie and pulls her out of the room. When they're both out Jacob kneels down to her with a puzzled expression. He's quiet for a moment until she smiles awkwardly. "So there's this book-" "Maisie, I saw the book. That's not what I'm worried about."

Jacob pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Why is it in my room in the first place?" he starts. Maisie crosses her arms "because you said you wanted to read a book and I let you borrow mine." Jacob then inhaled deeply.

Jacob looks back in the room, at the lady then at the top shelf. He stares for a moment, and sighs. Looking at Maisie. "You're just going to have to wait," he says as he slowly closes the door till it's just open a crack. Maisie looks down.

However, Maisie sees blue and shrugs, going to follow Jacob. Blue stares up at Maisie as she goes to make herself some breakfast. Blue looks up at the door and turns to push it open. Flopping his way inside. Blue hops his way onto the bed. And then up each shelf until it reaches the top.

Maisie sits down and as soon as she notices Blue isn't following her she looks at Jacob. "Is Blue on your side of the table?" Jacob looks around and shakes his head. Maisie swallows as she scoots herself out of the chair carefully. "Excuse me for one moment," she says as she seed walks back to the room.

Jacob looks at Maisie with a raised brow, and shakes his head, suspecting she's going to her own room. Maisie, on the other hand, opens the door to Jacob's room. Her breath catches in her throat when she sees blue grabbing a hold of the book Maisie wanted with his teeth.

Maisie cleared her throat and whispered blue's name countless times. "Ahem, Blue! Blueeeee get down from there! Oh, Blue!" she whispered. Her whispers went quiet when Blue managed to get a hold of the book in his mouth. Blue looked at Maisie with a goofy smile as he panted heavily.

Maisie smiled back "that's it! That's it now, come back!" she whispered, and a voice came up behind her. "Maisie, what in blazes are you- oh bloody hell," Jacob says as he sees Blue. Blue goes to take a step forward towards Maisie, which is thin air. Maisie shakes her head no, and Jacob stands puzzled by the situation.

Jacob shakes off the confusion and joins Maisie in her desperate whispers. "Blue move that way then towards us!" of course Blue ignores him trying to get to Maisie as soon as possible. This of course backfires when he falls from the top shelf onto the bed below.

He lands harshly on the woman's stomach, and this causes her to wake up "UGH" she grunts. Jacob and Maisie both cringe, their faces contorting slightly in discomfort. The lady sits up on her elbows groaning and coughing lightly. Once she sees Blue her eyes widen as a yell erupts from her throat.

"WHAT IN GOD'S NAME-" she yells and she pushes Blue off of her, sand sits up straight. Jacob is the first to act. "Woah Woah, relax there Lass," he says as he slowly makes his way inside. Maisie quickly grabs Blue, and her book, and stands outside of the door.

The lady looks at Jacob, and then she looks for her belt, to find it hanging on a chair across the room, and so she grabs a hold of the pillow under her and pulls it out, throwing it at Jacob. "And WHO might YOU be!" she yells as she grabs two books off the shelf and throws it at him.

Jacob catches the pillow and dodges the books carefully. She then grabs a glass bottle and throws it, Jacob catching it before it hits the floor. She goes to grab another thing when there's a sudden pain in her side. "Agh!" she says as she lowers her head in pain.

Jacob places the bottle down and then the pillow back on the bed. "Alright, just lay down," he says as he rests the woman's head on the pillow. Once her head is softly on the pillow, Jacob pulls up a chair and sits right next to the bed.

Jacob leans over her and lingers her face before speaking. "Okay, we're going to start simple, what is your name?" The Lady looks around the room and then back up at Jacob, their eyes meeting and staring hard into one another. "(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)." Jacob nods as (Y/N) adjusts herself in the bed to be more comfortable.

Jacob asks more questions, some more stupid than others but then there's one that (Y/N) needs to think about "where were you before you rested on our shores." (Y/N) opens her mouth to answer but her throat makes no noise. She closes her mouth and stays silent.

"Well?" Jacob says. (Y/N) grips at the sheets under her and then glares at Jacob. "Oh, why do you want to know, side-burns?" Maisie giggles and Jacob looks over at her. Waving her off. Jacob looks down at her "I promise you we're not going to hurt you if you do or don't answer, but for your safety, we need one."

(Y/N)'s eyebrows furrow as she adjusts herself in the bed again. She mumbles something quietly. Jacob in response dragged a hand down his face and looked at (Y/N) "pardon?" she repeats herself. "I don't know." (Y/N) expresses her own disgruntled thoughts and sits up.

Jacob looks at her with wide eyes. He grabs her shoulders and pushes her back down into the bed. "You don't know?" She shook her head and as soon as Jacob moved his hands she sat up again. "No, and no that you're done asking questions, who, for god's sakes are you?" Jacob pushes her back down on the bed.

Jacob takes a stressed breath, raising his brow "who am I? Maybe I'll tell you if you stop sitting up." he says as he pushes her back to the bed. Once she stops moving and just stares up at him he responds "Jacob Holland, and that young lass you heard snickering is Maisie Brumble."

(Y/N) raises an eyebrow of her own. "You didn't kidnap her too did you?" Jacob stammers to correct her until she interrupts him "better question what was that blue thing and WHY was he touching me?" Jacob opens his mouth to answer again when she just interjects "alright, apologies for interrupting you again, but I just have to ask where, by God, are we?" she says calmly.

Jacob furrows his eyebrows, tired of being stopped before he can even utter a sentence. He sucks up some air "no, his name is Blue, and finally you're in our home." he says simply (Y/N) frowns deeply. She looks up at the ceiling.

Jacob sits there for a moment staring. He seems just as confused at (Y/N) at this moment, not sure what to do as he stands. "So, you don't remember where you came from, do you at least know if you were on a ship or on an island close by?" She shook her head.

Jacob then walks over to the door. "You thirsty at all? Hungry?" Jacob turns the knob as (Y/N) continues to stare at the ceiling. She sighs and places a hand on her stomach, running a hand over the patched-up wound. She finally speaks "maybe a drink will do. If that's not too much trouble." Jacob's expression falls indifferent as he leaves the room.


Salt on my wounds (Jacob Holland x reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now