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⧗ 4 months later ⧗

(Y/N) grunted as she pulled a fruit from a tree. She tossed it down to Maisie, and Maisie caught it in the basket filled with more fruit. Jacob held the base of the tree, so as to not let (Y/N) fall. He looked up at (Y/N) as she grabbed another fruit.

"Listen (Y/N), I know you're excited about being healed and outside, but the shop keep asked me to get the fruit," Jacob says cautiously. (Y/N) dropped the fruit down to Maisie and she caught it in her basket, Blue tried to eat one, but Maisie moved the basket before he could get one.

(Y/N) swung one arm out to the sea and stared cheerfully as she clung to the tree. "Maisie! You've got to see this, the view is amazing!" Before Maisie could even consider the idea, Jacob sent a serious glare at her. Maisie retreated.

Jacob took his eyes off Maisie and started up at (Y/N) "we've got enough, come down now please!" he said, mostly gentle with mild irritation. (Y/N) looked down at the blonde beneath her. She smirked and then looked up at the tree once more, and tried to climb higher.

When she brought her hand up the other seemed to slip quickly, and so she let out a yelp as she began to plummet to the ground. Jacob almost instinctively moves to catch his friend quickly. She falls in his arms and Jacob can barely keep his balance when he falls backward into the sand.

Maisie gasped, and then let out a snort. Blue suddenly catches her attention again by trying to steal another fruit, so she starts swinging her hands at him to keep him away. (Y/N) holds her eyes closed tightly. The adrenaline was still pumping through her veins, and then Jacob spoke. "You can open your eyes now, Lass."

(Y/N) opened her eyes and realized she was being held by Jacob so tentatively. She looks up at him and is met by his gaze right back at her. She feels the same euphoric feeling she's been experiencing for weeks on end and shoves him away. "WOW! That was almost bad! Thank god that you were there hey old friend? Ha ha! Ahem." She clears her throat as she stands and adjusts her clothes.

Jacob raises a brow as she stands, but follows her up shortly after. (Y/N) trudges along in thought. It's been 4 months since (Y/N) washed up on their shores. She of course has gotten time to make their home her own, and along with that, allow (Y/N) to get comfortable. Too comfortable for her standards anyway.

She's been having feelings, all going against one another. Fear, fear of the unknown, fear of the things that were lost and fear of the future. Excitement, excitement for the world, excitement for life and living. Lastly, one she cannot place, one that's been making it harder for her to function.

It's a giddy, exhilarating feeling that's not easily shared. She feels it at home, and with Maisie, but it overflows when she's around Jacob. (Y/N) stops in her tracks when blue rubs his head on her leg, and so she lifts him up from the ground. She walks with him in her arms for a while until he climbs up to (Y/N)'s shoulders and snuggles into her neck. She chuckles and pats the angry creature.

Now it's Jacob's turn to recognize a similar feeling. It's not as strong or as prevalent as (Y/N)'s, but regardless, it's strong enough for Jacob to notice. Jacob's had identical feelings to this one, but just not as tantalizing as they are currently. He doesn't know what it is, but he knows he should act on it.

Jacob jogs to catch up to (Y/N), Maisie ahead of the both of them. Jacob made sure to keep his eyes on Maisie as he reached her. "So (Y/N)" the woman looks at Jacob and then back straight ahead. "Jacob?" Jacob chuckles.

"Remember wanting to go to the Market with me at some point?" He says calmly. (Y/N) looked up at him with a smirk and a quirked up eyebrow. "Yeah?" Her voice lowered smoothly. Jacob chuckles and then scratches his neck. "Why not come with me next week when we need more food? With Maisie of course" Jacob added that last sentence hastily.

Salt on my wounds (Jacob Holland x reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now