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I pulled my face off the cool door surface once I heard Jacob's door shut. I was listening to the conversation in its entirety, noting certain things that were said. My thoughts swirled for a moment, why didn't Jacob want to talk about being a hunter? Was she a hunter? I had no idea, but I was determined to find out.

I hopped back to my bed and ripped a book off of a shelf near it, I flip through as I rack my brain to remember the one thing all hunters have in common. The arm! I recall Jacob's mark on his wrist. I then recognize it to be the seal of white rock.

Almost in an instant I jump up from my bed and run out of my room, and go to (Y/N). (Y/N) turns to me, and I stop. Her eyes feel as if they're bearing through my skin. "Hey Maisie, whatcha up to?" I felt a sense of guilt as if I was doing something wrong.

I dug my heel into the ground and looked at her, I stumbled on my words for a moment until I remembered what I was here to do. "Could you study your arms for me? For any type of mark?" I blurt out.

(Y/N) glances at her arm then back at me. "Uh okay?" she looks at her arm, and then looks at her other, she hovers over the other for a while when she brings it closer to her face. I hurry towards her "what? Is there a mark?" I hopped up next to her, and took her arm.

At first I didn't see anything, but I looked closer and saw a faint scar, somewhat like a burn scar. (Y/N) pulls her arm back to her and stares at it. "It must be just an old scar." (Y/N) says. I knew that it had to be a similar situation with the marks, seeing as the shape was circular.

While Jacob's was a tattoo, hers is a burn, but the question is why. There's not much else I can do so I jump off the couch and go back to my room. "I need to do more research, but you stay here and try to remember something!" I say as I walk.

"But, Maisie why-" I hear her say, I close my room door before she can finish, and I grab a different book, I flip through it, and then I grab another, and another. I keep showering through my books to find something about a burn mark.

I open another, and flip through the pages to find one about the tattoos and marks. So I sit on my bed and read it.

"Marks are common when used to differentiate hunters from kingdom to kingdom...most kingdoms are now gone, lost to time...older kingdoms, however, had a tradition to burn these seals instead of tattooing them... that tradition may very well have passed with it's followers, but still holds in impact to this day."

Once I'm finished reading a part of me want to jump up and cheer for figuring it out, but I also have more questions. Older kingdoms? How old is (Y/N) really? The more questions wash through my mind the more I get confused. As I'm thinking I'm suddenly hit with more questions, do I tell Jacob? Do I tell (Y/N)? Of course I tell (Y/N) this'll help her more than hurt her.

I stand up at that realization. Looking for other books, now that I know (Y/N) was a hunter I can figure out how to help her get her memories back just by telling her my findings. I feel...relieved? No that's not it. Accomplished! Yes, that's it! I feel accomplished to have found a way to help a friend.

I also feel hopeful for the future as well as to learn about the past, and the emotions that will run with it. I open a book and lay on my bed staring up at the writing. Letting the pages fall above me, and then resting the book on my chest to stare at the familiar ceiling I've stared at hundreds of times before. Content with a smile.


Salt on my wounds (Jacob Holland x reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now