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    Blue snored on my stomach as I flipped through the pages of a monster hunting book. I furrowed my brows as a strange sensation makes my ear feel filled with water as I skim through the page. Large beasts ruled the over the seas...war between man and monster...oh look a little Maisie drawing. I chuckled as my eyes passed a small graphic of Maisie and Blue on the side of the page.

    I turn the page and am greeted by a strange sensation by the illustrations made in the book, not by Maisie of course. I can't put my finger on the feeling when I feel Blue roll over on my stomach, instinctively, I put a hand on his head and pet him softly. I return my attention back to the book.

    This is everything I've already read in the last book. Just more fuzzy. I think as I try to figure out that strange feeling I don't recall. I groan and lean back, throwing the book on my face. Not remembering anything is more frustrating than actually painful.

  Despite that, I can't help but feel pained in the false acceptance of losing everything. What did I have before? Who was I? All things I've contemplated before. It doesn't help that there's new people. Take Jacob for instance, a mildly attractive man who just so happened to take me in when I was injured.

    He's helped me so much and what have I done. Y'know what? That's what i'll do, I'll help a little more. Cooking breakfast was one thing but why don't I go into town with Jacob. He talks about it quite a bit and mentions a few people in town so I can at the very least make a few guesses on what's what and who is who.

    I'm startled by the book on my face moving up due to someone grabbing it. I close my eyes and act like I'm peacefully asleep when I hear a voice. "I know you're awake (Y/N)" Jacob says, I hear just a twinge of playfulness in his tone. Jacob walks away as I open my eyes. I realized I was rendered immobile with Blue on my stomach.

    I pull my body closer to the side of the couch and look back at Jacob as he yawns and starts doing "Jacob things" as I now call it. I then grab my book and read a few pages before gliding my eyes back to Jacob. I hadn't realized it but the more I Talked to him the more i wanted to talk to him.

    Maybe it was the accent or the fact his eyes talk more than he does, but his voice became somewhat of a comfort. Most likely due to the initial fear and panic and how he cared for me even when I didn't want him to. If I speculate much longer my head might as well just blow.

    "Jacob?" I say hesitantly. Jacob hums in response. "Would you mind if I tagged along with you on your next errand run?" Jacob seemed a bit confused by the question seeing as he pauses and glances back at me as he resumes.

    He clears his throat as he says "I went on an errand a few days ago, besides the Market isn't usually open today." I smile triumphantly, I knew there was a Market. Blue yawns on my stomach and smiles at me. Blue licks my face and hops off of me. I wipe my face and sit up straight.

    I watch as Jacob does his things for a little while longer until I continue the conversation. "Oookay. Then maybe later?" Jacob sighs and turns to me. He stares for an uncomfortably long minute and then just shakes his head "no." His tone is stern, but with a hint of care.

    I groan, and slowly get up off the couch. "Why? Is it because I'm still mildly injured? Well, guess what, Jacob I can walk without the crutch now." I say as I stand up and walk, my side is still extremely sore and my muscle on the inside is still torn so despite my pride I'm still in quite a bit of pain.

   Once I'm by Jacob's side he stops what he's doing and shows a bit of quizzicality in his expression. I watch as he ponders a response, when suddenly he speaks up "I just don't think that you should go, not because I don't think you can or even can't it's just...for the time being." he says calmly, but I felt nothing but confusion due to lack of a real answer.

    I open my mouth to respond when a familiar voice bursts through a door "Jacob! Jacob! Jacob!" Maisie exclaimed "Look what I found!" Jacob's eyes instantly flew to Maisie. A soft smile grazing his lips. He kneels down and Maisie shows him a relatively-large tortoise shell, I watch as she begins rambling about it, and getting excited at the thought that there's more somewhere.

     I hear her knock in the shell and proclaim "it's empty! Do you think I can keep it?" she says. I hear it as more of a 'can I keep it' than a rhetorical question like the one she asked. Jacob catches your attention when he replies "of course, love." Maisie's eyes lit up as she cheered and hurried to her room, blue hot on her tail.

    I smile at her child-like nature. Despite her mature way of thinking she's still young, and I admired her for that. It was also cute, so I couldn't complain. When Jacob stood back up, turning to me. When he turned their was still that goofy smile on his face that just cried out how happy for Maisie he was.

    "You really are a good dad." I quickly realized that I blurted that out, Jacob glances at me. A new dust of light pink dancing on his cheeks. Jacob stands up straight and places one hand on his hip and his wrist against his lips as he clears his throat. I have a feeling I caught the tall blonde off guard with such a comment.

    Jacob clears his throat again, "I'm still not used to being called that." he says once his composure is regained. I smile at the soft spot in Jacob's heart. He's only been doing this fatherly thing for a few years, as far as Maisie told me.

    Jacob staggers back into the conversation we were having and simply double down on his last statement and continue with..."Jacob things" in his little space. I roll my eyes and turn on my heel, walking back to the couch. I hold my side tightly as plop back down on it.

    I grab a different book and open it up, pretending to read as my mind is engulfed with more thoughts of slight disapproval towards not being let outside, but a few more towards the thought of who Jacob truly is, despite the obvious parts of his character I've gotten to know so far. Caring, just as stubborn as me, and down to earth in a rich and fulfilled sort of way.

    Jacob is an interesting character, but for every nook and craney of my body I can't put a single on why. Maybe it's his wit, or even his fatherly abilities, but I can't wait to see exactly what I've been waiting to see this entire time.


Salt on my wounds (Jacob Holland x reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now