Chapter 5

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Ryuichi's POV. Rooftop, Otonokizaka High School.

Ryuichi: Before I even begin telling my story.......since Nozomi-san wanted to confirm what she had read through the cards.

Nozomi: The cards don't lie.

Ryuichi: Anyways, like I said before. I met a girl during middle school.

Ryuichi: In fact, I was already in middle school when it happened, when I was still in the middle of mastering the Isshin Art.

Maki: Can I ask you something, Ryuichi-senpai?

Ryuichi: Sure, what is it, Nishikino-san?

Maki: Maki, will be fine.

Ryuichi: Okay. What is it, Maki?

Maki: Hmm, when did Ryuji-senpai died....?

Ryuichi: Ah, it was actually 7 years ago.

Ryuichi: Before I began in middle school.

Ryuichi: So yeah, you're about to hear a story of a depressive 14 year old kid.

Nozomi: Oh, here it is!

Ryuichi: So, I met this girl in middle school, between 1st year to 2nd year in middle school.

Ryuichi: As you know, I am slowly moving on with life during that time.

Ryuichi: Somehow, I still couldn't conquer my fears of talking to other people during that time.

Rin: But why?

Honoka: Uh, among the Kosaka Triplets, nii-chan is the one who has most terrible social skills.

Ryuichi: O sister of mine, you really had the audacity to put it that way.

The girls laughed.

Ryuichi: Anyways......

Ryuichi: Let's hide the name of the girl using......

As I was about to start, we heard the PA system.

PA System: Kosaka Ryuichi, you are required to go at the Principal's Office right now.

Ryuichi: ........

Muse: ..........

Ryuichi: Ah.....maybe that will be a story for another time.


3rd POV.

Ryuichi grabs his bag and left the rooftop immediately before Kotori was even able to call out his name, which left her disappointed.

Kotori: ............

Umi: *sigh*

Honoka: Kotori-chan.......

Kotori: Aaaahh! Mou! Why is it always in the worse possible timing!

Kotori began throwing a temper tantrum which the other members were surprised to see, except for Honoka and Umi.

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