Chapter 7

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3rd POV. Sonoda Dojo.

As the sky turns from blue to orange.......

Ryuichi immediately knew that the sun is about to set.

Ryuichi is sitting silently at the veranda while waiting for Umi. A few moments later, she came back with a tea pot and two teacups on a tray.

Umi: Here you go.

Umi pours the contents of the teapot to the teacups as she gave the cup to Ryuichi.

Ryuichi: Thanks.

The two of them solemnly drank tea from their respective cups and breathed a satisfied sigh after taking a sip.

Ryuichi: *sigh*

Umi: Mom's tea is the best.

Ryuichi: I know right.

Umi: Sadly, Ryuji doesn't like matcha tea.

Ryuichi: Yeah. It can even be paired with manjuu.

Umi: Oh! Now we're talking! My favorite is your family's manjuu, especially the Ryuichi style!

Ryuichi: Ah yeah. That is one of the first Japanese sweets that I ever got to make.

Ryuichi: Sadly though, Ryuji and Honoka can't even properly make sweets.

Umi: So the family shop's future lies in your hands.

Ryuichi: Yep. But y'know, I also wanted to expand my horizons, y'know.

Ryuichi: I mean, I just don't want to be stuck in mere tradition. I value tradition, of course. But I won't reject the ever changing world.

Ryuichi: After all, we discover and learn something new in each passing day.

Umi: It seems like training in the Isshin Art also taught you to be a philosopher or something?

Ryuichi: Come on now, you do know the foundation of the Isshin Art.

Umi: Right.

Umi: Anyways, you ready to tell the second part of your story?

Ryuichi gently took another sip of tea. After calming his nerves, he gently puts down the cup, took a deep breath.....

Ryuichi: All right. We left off when my bestfriend, Kannon, left the town because of his parents' home, and when Akatsuki dragged me to join her and her friends.

Ryuichi: Because she knew that I was lonely. Not really lonely as I still have pals from the Kendo Club.

Ryuichi: Not to mention, my reputation spread out because a lot of students saw how I bested Haizaki-senpai in kenjutsu.

Ryuichi: After all, he was considered as one of the strongest in our school's kendo club.

Umi: So, you became kinda famous.....

Ryuichi: Yeah.

Ryuichi: But because of that, and a lot of pressure of you know, standards that are too high even for me.......

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