Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to All my loyal fans :)

Soz havnt updated in ages been through alot at the mo but i was determined to write the next but hope you enjoy!! Oh and im 10 fans away from 100!!! EEK!! :D


I had just woken up from a very long and good sleep. I hadnt had a good sleep since the club incident so i woke up and for the first time in ages stayed awake!

I sat up and looked around. I was in my room and it was semi-dark meaning it was about 5pm. I looked down at my bed to get the fright of my life. I had slept on Naths chest the whole time! And he had no shirt on!!! He had a nice chest thou and looked quite cute asleep...

Again i slapped myself for even thinking that and got up to go downstairs.

"Liz?" Nath mumbled from my bed.

I looked at him. His fringe was all messy and his eyes were'nt quite fully open.

"Yeah?" I replyed back turning the light on as i couldnt see.

Nath amediatly slammed his head down into the pillow and mumbled somethink. I think it might have been a swear word... xD

He raised his head and got used to the light.

"Did you have a good sleep?" He said with a sheepish smile. Rude much..

"Yeah until i woke up to see you with no top on!" I whisperd angerlly at him.

"Oh sorry i got too hot and then you turned on to my chest and started hugging me sooooo your fault" He said hiding under the covers knowing i would throw a pillow at him!! He know what im like!!

"Anyway im going downstairs for a bit you coming?" I said opening the door.

"Yeah ina minute"He said from under the covers.

I made my way down the stairs and got greeted by my 2 staffie puppies. I made my way into the front room seeing my mum and sisters. Dad wasnt home yet then.

"Alright love hows your head?" My mum looking up from her book.

"Yeah fine" I said now saying anythink bout me and Nath..

"I looked in your room and saw you and Nath.." My sister Emily started giggling at the end. Oh shit did she see me and Nath?

" You what?" I said walking towards her

"You were sleeping on Naths chest it looked quite cute actually"

I looked right through her and then at my mum. She was reading her book, totally oblivious. Good she didnt here!

I gave my sis a death glare and went to the kitchen to get some oreo's. Yeah i eat alot of oreo's ok!


In the hour that had passed Nath had finally joined us after half an hour in bed! And my family though i was lazy....!

We were now all sat like a family watching somethink i forgot cause i was reading my book. And i was sat inbetween Naths legs. Yah i know that sounds wrong but we always sit like this! Its comfy! (i bet it is xD excuse my dirty mind ;) )

I was just looking round at everybody when my glance landed on my sister. She was looking at me confused which actually confused me!

"What?" I said death glaring at her.

"Your best friends yet you act like a couple"

My mum defently heard then cause her head snapped up. I suddenly went red and reached for my book again.

"You would make a really nice couple thou you look cute together" My mum said

I looked at her and she smiled. I was not expecting that! Usually my mum would be disagreeing but i spose she knows Nathan well.

I felt Nath sit up and he lent his head forward to my ear behind me.

"I agree" He said in my ear and then kissed it!!!!!!

I jumped in surprise and looked at him

That smile had my heart melt... :)

From this im starting to get strong feelings for my best friend.


How was it?? It was a bit longer for a change but i do hope it was ok let me know!! :)

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