Chapter 3

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hey guys i really need votes and can i have fans plez!! enjoy!



As the week goes on im starting to want the weekend to come quicker day by day purely cause i want to see Nath?! Even though i love Tom to bits i want to see more of Nath.

Todays thursday and im just finishing in college when Amy texts

From- Amy biatch!! Xxx

wats up hun? u'v been really quiet and peeps r sayin ur lookin sad?? x

Who's been saying im sad? Amy goes college with me but shes in a different course?! Oh well i put this to the back of my mind and text her back.

To- Amy biatch!! Xxx

just missin the boys :( x

Im just about to send when Amy jumps up behind me while im waiting for the bus.

"Hey so whats up? Emma said you looked sad when she saw you in the canteen?"

That explains it! Her friend saw me and Amy wasnt there.

"Ah nothink really jusy missing the boys more" i said jumping on the bus.

"How bout we go to a club tonight? You need to get out plus it will cheer you up"

I thought bout this for a bit. I havnt been clubbing in ages and i did wanna go!!

"Yeah alrite oceana?"

"Yep meet you there at 8?"

"Defo, see you there then" i said hopping off at me stop and waving Amy goodbye.

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