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Y/N's POV:

He is engraved as a sin,
One that I am flabbergasted with.
Is it true lust, or pure sympathy for the Devil?


Each tap landing on the wooden dinner table made the atmosphere more uncomfortable by the second.
Hoseok looked furious, which was a rare sight for the collective person he usually deemed to be indeed. I had only just sat down after announcing my reservation to the restaurant waitress, and was struck immediately by his piercing gaze.

"L/N Y/N, you fucked up, literally."

Well, that was a nice start up...

My eyes widened curiously, as I stayed calm. "What is it, Hoseok?"

"It's Sir Right-Hand man Jung Hoseok for you." He spat out, whilst combing through his Honey blonde hair.

I wasn't patient enough to deal with him, and the urge to smoke raised in my mind. Keeping in mind that I stopped smoking years ago, the situation could be deemed as pretty stressful.

My eyes picked up the waitress in the corner, who was thinking over if she should come to take our orders, or if it was not the appropriated time. Her hands nervously grasped onto her little note-block, even she was intimated by this man, who was only a stranger to her.

"Just spit it out already.", although the situation seemed unusual, It was not anything of the rare type.

Hoseok now sat up And adjusted his posture, His right hand intertwined with his left one, as he put them right in front of his face, only awaiting to announce a grave secret.

Then, there was silence.

silence, that almost killed me.

But the continuing words that slipped through his lips, dragged me back to consciousness as fast as they kicked me out.

Only by understanding his lip movements, I was frozen in place. The words came out in mute for my ears, but I knew what he had said.

"Kim Taehyung, he's alive. "
Hoseok's eyebrows furrowed so much that they almost disappeared.


All my Sanity had left my body at this point. I felt like crying.
Could it be true? Was he really alive all this time?

The Right-hand man seemed to have noticed my loss for words, so he kept on talking. "You're lucky Namjoon doesn't know anything about this yet. But he'll find out sooner or later, the word has spread fast already.
You don't want to get in trouble with the Head of the Syndicates himself again, do you?" His eyebrows raised again, as if he was suspicious of my figure.

"But...it's been years. How? " my hands gripped the corners of the table as I leaned over with my upper body.
I was dreaming, wasn't I?

"You're asking the wrong person ma'am" He pointed boldly at me, "Miss Y/N, How ? "

I couldn't bring myself to answer, the events that had happened years ago were stuck on the front of my head.

"You know what to do, kill the man for real this time. "

There was no back talking, as it was obvious i would not change anything, a small sigh slipped away after I harshly gulped down the truth that was given to me,
"What will the Process look like?"

"First of all, We'll have to make him aware that we're targeting him, So we'll go with small fake attempts at the beginning. You'll get to know about the first attempt later on this week. That's all." with those last words, he got up after putting the cash for the overpriced champagne bill he ordered. As he walked by, the Waitress only could follow him with her eyes full of confusion.

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