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Y/N's POV:

All things start and end the same way,
No wonder you are stuck in that loop,


A Lobby fuller than I could've grasped it on. Different lights surrounding it, and an awful amount of noise made from every corner around me. Not to mention, The stark smell of alcohol and fume.

trying to shrug off the icks crawling towards my upper body from the tips of my nails, I kept shuffling the cards to the Guests in front of me, The Majority being Men of course, as they awaited for the next round of Texas hold em' to begin. Their Ante stacks were getting higher and higher, as well as their ego being fed only as much. Slowly but surely, they put bigger amounts of bets onto the table.

Oh how I hated grand Casinos like these.

Like common, dirty cockroaches squeezing on one another, in hopes to seek for warmth and comfort, in the corner of a molded wall. That's how they presented right in front of me.

After I, the dealer had show cased the River, also known as the last card, Cheers were suddenly to be heard from one of the men. One, who had been sneakingly cheating continually, as he basically yelled out "Full House ! Full House! I've won you dirty bastards ! "
Without Avail, in front of him lay the Pair of 8 heart and Clubs, as well as the matching tripple Jacks.

"Shit, I shouldn't have folded this round..."Another man cussed himself out, as he saw the other proudly taking all the stacks of chips to himself.

Through the other chatting and yelling, I picked up the cards again. "I'll start the next round then." My expression remained stoic. Being forced by an upper to attend these gatherings in the sake of reputation, as well as having to do the first attempt of Hoseok's plan really didn't have it in me. Especially when I knew I couldn't argue back, or else there would be shit going down with none other than the upper head,
Kim Namjoon.
That man was the only particle in the universe who could awake fear in me honestly.

For the instructions I was supposed to follow, and the reason I was at none other than a casino, was All because of the dead man.
I wasn't phased at all, rather I believed it to be a rumor that he still was alive. So all I did, was hope for the night to end quickly, in order to escape this place.

"I'll beat ya all every round ! Come and try against me bastards -!" The half drunk man, still ecstatic from his win, looked around the crowd gathered upon him as he laughed aloud.

"Well then, Mind if I join?"



it felt like the world had stopped in that second.
That remarkable deep, honey thorough voice I could recall anywhere.
The voice of a supposed dead man.
The voice, of a permanent devil,
Of a past lover.
The voice, of tonights target.

He invited himself to an unoccupied seat on the blackjack table, his smirk only widening amongst my sight. I couldn't react, nor take action. I had to be rational after all.

So all I did was again, remain stoic, as suddenly the cards seemed more interesting than the people themselves, I shuffled them more than needed, feeling my hands tremble slightly.

From the side though, His green suit and slicked back, honey blonde hair I could muster.

Kim Taehyung hadn't changed at all.

"I'll start off a single game with the dealer to warm up, if you don't mind."

The crowd began whispering amongst themselves, stuttering things along the lines of "he must be confident to bet on a practice round".

On the other hand, I was not phased at all. It was Taehyung we were talking about after all.
As well as, simply, Hoseok had told me of his plans beforehand.

How He'd enter the Casino, bet all of his Antes at once, leaving only a single one behind for himself. His lucky charm.
I'd make him loose the first round, with him either giving me his last chip or not, and then from then on, I could start conversation.

Meaning, I'd hit two stones at once in this mission, working for Hoseok, and Pleasing my Boss by attending this place for the syndicates reputation.

Mind to tell you, that Hoseok's Plans were only based on Taehyung's admiration on me. That man was the devil after all, you could only hope for it to work.

The rest of the plan would be, again, Hoseok assuming for it to work.
Trying to get into Kim's pants after years of no contact,then towards the end pretending to want to shoot him to create a failed attempt.

It all sounded easy, but The person we were dealing with, wasn't just anyone.

And soon he would prove exactly that.

"The final Hand." My voice was as clear and loud for the crowd to hear. The first practice game had reached its end, as I shuffled the cards skillfully, one last time, and brought out two cards first. The 5 of Clubs and the 7 of Diamonds were showcased.
Of course, as demanded, they were of my choice as I was cheating the entire time.
But somehow, Taehyung had weirdly played along, even pretending not to know me. Though he could hide everything but that smirk of his.

He glanced at the two cards, with his left arm on the table, and his face resting on his hand, and spoke up, "what a shame, fears I'm not skillfull, and I'm not lucky either."

"Then what are you?" A short reply was given by me, whilst I was holding the last card on my right hand.

"I seem to be very generous." He knocked on the table twice, implying to get the last card.

I let out a small scoff, and threw the last card on the table. An 8 of Clubs it was.

The crowd got tense, as they awaited to see Taehyung's Cards. Slowly he flipped them over, showing a Club Joker, and a Club Ace.

With a Blackjack, he had lost as planned. The Crowd booed disappointedly, but he didn't seem to care less, watching his stacks of money getting robbed away from me.

"You got me, I give up.", The Blonde held up his last, white striped chip between his fingers, glanced at it, and then back at me, with an eyebrow raised.

"I think I'll keep it as a souvenir~~" ultimately, he got up just like that, and left the table slowly, step by step, still with the biggest grin frowned upon his face.

"What about the round you wanted to play with me, bud?" The cheater from before complained loudly, as everyone stopped paying attention to him once Taehyung had entered.

Of course, he knew what he was doing.

That man was too smart, and I had not expected him to fall for my cheats at first.
It all didn't seem too weird when he purposely lost.

And Him, spontaneously leaving just like that, without having conversed with me, was just as predictable.

The Plan had completely backfired, and I sat there, shocked.

Only after a few minutes I chose to follow him. Because if instructions weren't followed, I'd be the dead one.

Pensively, it was the most utterless decision.

But I was already in,
way too deep to go back now.

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