*Character Interview (2)*

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Note: What happens in the interview, stays in the interview. Enjoy!

Welcome back to Ripley's Believe It or Not!

Ella: Not this crap again.

Harry: Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Louis: Of course you'd know, Harold.

Harry: Don't start with me, Lewis.

Alright, alright. Moving along. Don't want this interview to be 32429347 pages long-

Zayn: I won't mind.

Louis: Right now is not the time to promote your demo.

Zayn: ...

That was actually very smooth. But without further ado, I'd like to kick off our second character interview! I'm not responsible for any awkwardness. These questions weren't asked by me. Moving along! First question is for Management! MissNiallHoran5 -and the rest of the world- would like to know when will you be disappearing so she can plan the party ahead of time?

Management: I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW-

Hold up, hold my phone! I'm sorry -not sorry- but I'm getting word that we don't have time to accept answers from the likes of you. Maybe next time, or never.

Momma Strauss: I'm loving this.

Next question! Harry, eurolina would like to know what is your favorite quality about Ella?

Harry: Like, my top favorite? That's a tough one. Em, so far I love everything about her from her personality to the way that she falls asleep: slowly and then all at once. She's the most amazing woman I've ever met and I can't wait to learn more about her.

Ella: That's very sweet of y- wait did you just quote a book?

Harry: ....

Momma Strauss: Bro

Well if it counts for anything, The Fault in our Stars is a very good book. Moving right along. Ella, ayenfanfics wants to know is Harry good in bed? Does he rock you so hard that you're-

Ella: Um-

Harry: Do tell, Ella.

Ella: Honestly, I don't know why I come to these things.

Niall: Answer the question!

Ella: Oh my god. In order for me to know how good Harry is in bed, we'd have to do IT first, right?

Harry: Well, just don't knock it till you try it, love.

You've heard it here folks! Ella & Harry have not done the deed quite yet. This is a 1D Exclusive!

Liam: Key word - yet.

Momma Strauss: I'm still here.

*Sweats* The atmosphere is getting tense. Let's change the subject.

Ella: Yes, please. Before I fling myself out of a window.

UM, Lauren, Little1DLover2 wants to know where the heck did you go during the cruise?

Lauren: That's a great question. I jumped off the boat and went swimming with the fishes awhile

Harry: Wow, did you have loads of fun? That sounds exciting

Niall: None of the sharks tried to get a taste of ya?

Louis: I don't think she'd taste very good, Nialler.

Lauren: are you insulting me, LEWIS?

Let's not get off top-

Louis: I'm not complimenting you.

Dominic: Who is Lewis?

Louis: Who are you?


Liam: I don't think right now is the time, mate-


Zayn: Idiot.

Next question is for Sebastian, arianna100o1 wants to know what you thought of the whole boat experience before and after it happened?

Sebastian: I actually got a question? This is exciting! But when I learned the ship was rented for a private party that consisted of One Direction, I was absolutely excited, but also nervous. I've never cooked for celebrities before, only heard stories about them. I've heard some are complete divas and are nasty towards people. I kept an open mind about One Direction and I have to say, they are a genuine and humble group of guys. You bunch are a handful, I learned that along the way. Nonetheless, I had fun. A lot of fun.

Liam: A big thank you from us. You've made our cruise more enjoyable as well.

Niall: But about those tacos-

MOVING ALONG! Two more questions and we're out of here. Summer, Ashstar17 would like to know what is your favorite season?

Summer: Take a wild guess.

Zayn: Winter?

Summer: Um, no.

Niall: Summer?

Summer: Yes?

Niall: What?

Summer: You called me?

Niall: No I was saying your favorite season.

Summer: Okay, so what is it?

Niall: Summer!

Summer: Stop calling my name and just answer!


Liam: Is it Summer?

Summer: That's right, Liam! Come on, Niall. Step up your game.

Wow who would have known Summer's favorite season is Summer. Last question! Zayn, this question is from rainestorm02, why are you so perfect?

Zayn: I'd say talk to my perfect mum, she-

Ella: He looks so perfect standing there in my American apparel underwear.

Harry: Erm, are you cheating on me?

Ella: No, silly. I was quoting a song.

Harry: You're silly-er. And beautiful. But mostly beautiful.

Management: We're shipping the boys back home.


WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT, that's all the time we have. Thanks for tuning in! Hope you enjoyed the show!

A/N; Hey guys! I had the hardest time with this. I kept thinking that it just wouldn't be as funny as the first one, but who knows, maybe it's not. I'll let you be the judge of that, though.

Feedback please! Should I change anything? Favorite part? What made you laugh?

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