28 : How To Seduce, Summer Evans' Edition

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Chapter 28 : How To Seduce, Summer Evans' Edition




I've never really given much thought about how I would die. For one thing I knew, I wanted it to be peaceful.

God was against me on that one.

It's not going to be peaceful in the hands of five British / Irish band members. But after what I've done, it's what I deserved.

Well, that's what a curly haired boy believed.

Feeling their grips tighten around my ankles and wrists, I shut my eyes closed and waited for impact.

It was just a matter of time before being thrown to my death.

Next time, I'll think twice before messing with the Harry Styles. He is definitely not one to be messed with. I've learned that lesson a little too late.

But even if I survive this,

I will continue to mess with him.


Because I am a bad ass, I am a rebel, I am...

Ella Strauss.


*20 Minutes Before* 


I rolled my tongue over my lips, the taste of salt flooding my mouth. Scrunching my face, it took all I had to not lean over and spit into the ocean water.

The expectation level I had for this cruise was down to zero and will forever be there. The next few days here, I hoped would just be relaxing. It was nice to be away from my natural setting. A mini vacation was well over needed after everything that has happened these past few weeks. 

So many questions roamed my mind, but I shoved them far back into my mind. The only thing I continued to wonder was why Lauren had to come. It's not like I hate the girl or anything! This is supposedly a private cruise, so why does Harry have to 'date' her here?

Perhaps he just wanted to invite her out of kindness. Harry is a sweet guy. 

"I'm a little on the sea sick side," Summer told me, staring down at the water as the boat slowly sailed.

I narrowed my eyes at her, frowning. "You can't be serious right now."

Pursing her lips, she twirled her hair into her finger, turning to me. "Serious as a heart attack. But maybe it's gone! Nothing has happened and if anything does, I thought I'd just warn you."

For all our sake's, it better be gone! Last thing any one wants to do is hold her hair up while she throws up a lung or something else important.

Ew, what if she throws up on us?

"I have an evil plan, minion. It includes you," Summer whispered, staring at me with a sly smirk.

I quickly shook my head. "No evil plans, I just want to relax-"

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