22 : Tango with the Devil's Assistant

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The chapter you've all been desperately waiting for. E N J O Y and don't forget to vote ;D xx

Dedicated to LissaHearts1D! She's flipping awesome. Thanks for everything and the small idea you gave me in this chapter ;D You know what I'm talking about lol. 

Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran. My favorite song by him. That guy is a God. 

Read the chapter and look at the gif. I laughed... You'll get it....

Sorry for any mistakes ~

Chapter 22 : Tango with the Devil's Assistant

Maybe I was the only one that felt it. 

No! It's impossible. 

It's written in red ink in the air. It feels. . . like it's choking me. 

Is this what dying feels like?

How can an atmosphere feel so awkward and tense that it almost feels like it's killing me? The tight space didn't make it any easier. 12 people shoving their-selves into one limo wasn't such a bright idea. 

I stared blankly ahead, trying to calm my breathing. The others in the limo indulged themselves in small talk, their voices filling my ears.

Tonight was either going to turn out so good or so wrong. Of course, me being negative, already came to the conclusion that it's going to turn out pretty bad. So bad, everyone dies. The jealousy game never ends well, but it's not like I played before! 

"Ella," Zayn said, waving his hand around to grab my attention. He sat directly across from us with Perrie.

I blinked rapidly, tossing my thoughts aside to realize I'd been staring at him the entire time. I flushed in my seat. "Yes?"

"Are you alright? You zoned out for a minute there and . . . you were staring directly at me," he told me. 

The conversations the others were having died down, their eyes now on me. Instantly, I felt my cheeks growing hot. 

Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I turned to Dominic, a smirk growing on his face as he looked down at me. If I didn't have a mission in mind, I'd slap his hand away and punch him. That wouldn't be too nice, would it?

Well, that's what douche's like him do to me. 

"She's just thinking about how much fun we're going to have tonight and how hot I look. Isn't that right, Ella baby?" Dominic asked, caressing my cheek with his thumb. After doing so, he lightly planted his lips on my forehead.

The kiss of death.

I clenched my jaw as he pulled away, his smile growing even wider. 

What the hell did I get myself into? 

Looking down at the limo floor, I completely avoided everyone's piercing stares. "Yup, that's right," I managed to spit out, totally lying in the process. Never in my life have I met someone so conceited. All the boys look better than him! Especially Harry with his red bow-tie. 

Hearing a snort fill the limo air, I glanced around looking for the culprit. He was easy to spot. The curly haired boy covered his mouth with his hand. 

I swear, Harry gets more adorable every day.

"You guys are so cute! I don't even know what to do with myself," Summer said. 

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