11 : Challenge Accepted

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Chapter 11 : Challenge Accepted

Well, being kicked out of a classroom can now be added to the list of the things that I've done. That's never happened before. Was I, Ella Strauss, becoming a bad egg?

No, of course not! People are usually given three strikes before they're out. Three, not two, three! It's not fair. Mr. Atkins must have been on his man period.

In any case, I mustn't put the blame on myself. This isn't my fault. A girl must be given a warning before the UK's hottest boy band appears in her classroom in disguise. Might I say, the disguises were horrible.

I say there were horrible, but even I didn't even recognize them...

My thoughts trailed off as a cool breeze swept through, providing some relief from the sun beating down upon us while we walked along the sidewalk. The band of misfits (and Summer) trailed behind me on the path to the resident hall. I kicked a nearby rock I came cross and watched it roll onto the street.

I pursed my lips and turned to Summer following behind a few paces away. She walked out of the classroom along with me. I told her not to, but the girl insisted. That second I knew she was going to be the best friend right by my side in jail if it ever came to it. Not that it would.

My eyes fell upon the boys.

With these troublemakers, I couldn't rule anything out.

I snorted lightly at my thoughts and returned my gaze to the path before me. The ringing of a cellphone filled my ears and I listened while it ended abruptly to what I assumed to be someone answering the call.

"Hello? Oh, wonderful!" Louis started, "I would like to order a box of carrots."

My brow wrinkled in confusion and I chuckled.

He isn't serious, is he?

I shook my head at his antics and picked up my pace once the familiar building came into view.

"I'm still trying to figure out how they found out what classroom we're in," Summer told me catching up to walk beside me.

"That makes two of us-" Stopping in my tracks, I cursed under my breath at the sight of the building just across the street from us with a small crowd just outside of it. They talked amongst each other, laughing and indulging in their conversations.

"Why'd we stop?" Harry inquired, appearing in between Summer and I.

Louis entered my line of vision. "Do you think they like carrots?" He tilted his head slightly as if really contemplating his question.

It took everything in me not to facepalm. I mean, if he mentions carrots again, I'm going to raid every fridge in the building for carrots and throw each one at him.

Never mind that. The problem was how were we going to maneuver around this crowd without them noticing the boys? I didn't want to put full faith in their terrible disguises. But there's no doubt in my mind they'd be willing to.

"Ella Alexandria Strauss!" A voice yelled in the distance.

Goosebumps rose to my skin at the familiar voice. "Mom?" I watched as a blurry figure approached us until I could make them out.

I swallowed nervously once her face became clearer.

Another surprise visit, great. Just what I needed.

"Why in God's name are you not in class, young lady?" She wondered, placing her hands on her hips. "And who are these boys?!"

I was suddenly regretting sending her a copy of my class schedule.

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