12: Real Questioning

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"So ——— , what did the letter say?"

"UA rejected me..."

"Oh sweetheart! It's okay, we know you did your best—"

"But I did get into Shiketsu!"

"Oh my goodness! This is fantastic—who needs that stuck-up prestigious UA school anyway."

"Akemi, did you hear that?"


"I got into Shiketsu, silly!"


"Aw look, she's proud of you, ———!"

"One day Akemi, you can be a great hero in the future, like me! Maybe we can start an agency when you're a part of the program,"

"Thinking of the future already? That's pretty far for Akemi, dear!"

"Yeah well, I just know she'll develop a really awesome quirk soon!"

"Hey, Ake—" Jun was about to wake her friend up for school, but she was shocked to see Akemi jolt up from the bed.

The white hair was in a tangled mess. Their eyelids were wide open, refusing to relax anytime soon. Akemi was letting out heavy and deep breaths. They woke up in a cold sweat from an odd dream.

Their hand rested over their chest as they tried to calm themselves, regaining composure and relaxing their tense muscles. Akemi lightly slapped their face and dragged their hand over it.

"Woah—Hey okay hang on." Jun scrambled from Akemi's side and went to the fridge to grab some water. "Drink up,"

It was a short glance at the water bottle before Akemi hastily took it from Jun's grasp and started chugging it.

Jun took a few steps back and observed Akemi already halfway through the water bottle. She was quite glad it was their last day in the hotel before moving to a closer residence paid for by her father of course. It meant Akemi could have their own space and Jun wouldn't have to be babying them.

"Thanks Jun," They placed the now empty bottle on the nightstand and carefully pushed the covers away.

She made room for Akemi to get out of bed and begin packing their belongings. It was quite early in the morning but it was for the sake of the two getting ready to leave.

For a new home, and a new school.

"You don't have to talk about it," Jun reassured as she made her way to her school bag. She stopped in front of the mirror to fix her red tie.

Akemi stayed silent as they folded some clothes and placed them in their bag. Annoyed at their messy hair, they ran a hand quickly through the slightly knotted strands.

Their eyes softened and thinned their lips.

"It was—It was just a bad dream," It was uncomfortable. "about..."

They paused, stopping their routine entirely. Jun noticed Akemi's frozen figure just about to place the last of their clothes in their bag. She could feel a knot form in her stomach for Akemi.

"...about my family—my real family." And it left them more confused about their own goals.

Akemi figured the dream could have been triggered by the conversation they had with Theo on Saturday. They shook their head and didn't want to remember what he had told them.

Right now, they needed to focus on their mission. Everything they did, it was for completing it and every step is one more closer to victory.

Jun held her breath as Akemi mentioned their family—something they rarely ever speak about—which was the sore subject for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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