3: Heroes? Not a Fan.

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"I feel like it's been a while since we genuinely have gotten to sit down and talk out of school," Jun mentioned as she stirred the straw around in her drink. She sat across from her friend who calmly took a sip out of their glass.

Their mask was sitting on the side of the table. Akemi wouldn't put it on until after they were about to leave. Plus, the small cafe they were in had good air quality for their lungs anyway, there was no need for them to have it on.

"That is partially my fault..." Akemi set the glass down and rested their chin on the backs of their hands. "My job has been working me endlessly. Barely any breaks,"

"You still work at that cafe right below your place?"

"Technically they took me in and raised me, I owe them one."

That's right, Jun had no idea of Akemi's assassin job. Who knows what she would think of them.

Nobody else knew of their real job, well Akemi didn't have anyone else to tell that to. Not Camie, they're not fond of her extreme socialness.

Jun hummed in response as she took a small sip out of the straw. "As long as you're happy with it! I'm happy for you,"

"Thanks, Jun, and I'm happy for you too that you got accepted into the support course. That takes skill," Akemi cleared their throat and leaned further back in the chair.

"Oh, thank you, Akemi!" Jun beamed as she began to clean her area. Akemi followed her actions. "My quirk's been well, especially with more experience working with people in the hospital. It helps,"

"Still working on the exhaustion?"

Jun nodded. She just finished clearing her part of the table, Akemi finishing not too long afterward. "I'm sure the school nurse will continue to aid me, she is quite gentle!"

She gestured for the two of them to leave. Akemi nodded and they both got up from their seats, taking their belongings and thanking the employees there.

"You'll see how she is, she gets scary when you visit her too often." A hint of  sarcasm can be heard in their voice. Akemi looked forward and kept the same pace as Jun.

"That's because many of those people do it on purpose to skip class just to see her," Jun chuckles as she stuffs her hands in her pockets.

"You should hear the complaints she makes about the people who barge in when she's in a bad mood," She joked.

The two began chuckling, holding their hats so they wouldn't fly off. Even when laughing, Akemi had to be careful of how much she was breathing in so nothing bad would happen that can give her a coughing attack.

It was already the unspoken rule between them that whoever paid for the food, the other had to walk them home. It was Akemi's turn to do so today.

"Oh yeah Akemi, did you hear about what happened at UA?" Akemi had to wipe a small tear from their eye from laughing too much. Jun had partially calmed herself down.

They couldn't lie, it caught them off guard that she suddenly mentioned UA.

Akemi had to think for a few moments, and small pieces of it clicked. They remember hearing about it recently; the attack from 'The League of Villains' on the already popular Class 1A of UA High School.

This is the first that they've ever heard of this tacky-sounding group of wannabe villains.

I mean, 'The League of Villains'? Sounds like a bunch of losers to me. Akemi was deep in thought before finally responding to Jun. She kicked a rock off the sidewalk.

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