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Izuku looked down on them all his adoring Fans bowing to him like he was some sort of king. Of course, he'd rather refer to it as God but the king was ok too but the king still wasn't accurate no man could make so many pro heroes go to their knees no king could destroy a symbol no king could rise from the rock bottom he started at no ........Only a God can make miracles. He isn't just the top hero or their leader, King, Emperor, or whatever other words like that you'd use to describe izuku because in his opinion there wrong He is a God objectively.

Flashback 12 years ago

Izuku Pov

"Your son is quirkless"

I woke up at midnight after a long and life-changing day at the doctor's office I looked to my side where a trash bin was inside of which was my all might posters, toys, and any other merchandise I had I trashed it not because of any hatred for the man but it kept reminding me of how weak I am compared to him the merch I for so long loved and collected had disgusted me at the sight of it so I simply stood up and began carrying the trash bin out so I can get rid of it sooner rather than later

"Give it up kid you can't be a hero"

I took quiet steps down the hall after softly closing my door I wouldn't want to wake up my family they spent all that time partying without me because Izumi (Twin sister who didn't bother trying to comfort him) got a quirk so they must be very tired at the moment so yeah he took careful steps before he heard a quiet conversation

"What do we do with him he's just a useless Civilian"

"I'm not sure David told me that he should have been safe from the quirkless gene since One for all has gotten rid of them"

"Maybe it was a mutation between our genes that made him a nothing burger Toshi" *Sigh* "he seemed like he was gonna do so good so what do we get rid of em?"

"No everyone met him already plus he's still ours we should just focus on Izumi and let him grow up then we send him off to David when he's old enough though I dislike that quirkless side of him for being so weak he made himself into something on his own perhaps he can do the same for izuku before he becomes even more of a second class citizen"

Izuku listen closely to his mother and father speaking behind the door and was saddened that his mother considered throwing him out for something he couldn't control and that they now see him as less due to it as well it made him want to throw away the trash he cleaned up, even more, he stepped down the stairs silently and put it at the place the garbage man usually picks that stuff up and while he was outside he took that opportunity to begin crying as he was holding it in so they didn't know he heard them soon after he'd reenter the house in silence and went back to sleep.

The next morning I woke up a bit earlier than usual to hear the car starting and pulling off seems his dad left and it'll be a while until my mom and sister woke up to get ready for the day so I decided to just do everything early because I didn't trust my mother to not leave me to walk to school given the opportunity so I did that I decided to speak to kacchan about it today I couldn't trust Izumi after yesterday when she ignored me to go party she could be just like mom and dad.

3rd person

Eventually, his mom and sister did wake up but he was already waiting in the car his sister tried to wake him up by knocking on his door then his mom told her to leave him alone they went on with their morning taking showers eating and getting dressed eventually leaving when into open the door for Izumi she was face to face with her son and for half a second hatred covered his face right at her before going to his cheerful self greeting his mother and sister and moving making space for Izumi though inko After being looked at like that was a bit disturbed and convinced herself it was her imagination and began driving like it never happened but every once in a while it reappeared in her head Giving her chills.

During the day he kept himself busy as Izumi told bakugou who unfortunately disgusted by izuku told everyone of his condition now people were making fun of him for it though Izumi felt kinda bad about it and apologized he accepted though he still didn't like her at all at the moment

Time skipped stuff All might and inko neglected izuku which got worse by the day eventually ignoring his existence completely he hasn't had a birthday since he was 3 Izumi ignored him after a while and acted like he didn't exist as well though she had no issue acknowledging him with bakugou who bullied him physically and mentally constantly

Quite the nice happy Backstory right?

(Next Chapter Next week)

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