Unknowing Power Hidden Inside Him?

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We walked over to Zane and we all cheered. "What is wrong?" Zane was confused about the situation. "Nothing, you scared us though you tin can!" Cole said. "But I was only out for 5 hours 3 minutes and 54 seconds." Zane said giving the accurate amount of time that he was out. Then Misako walked in followed by Wu. (If you forgot they were knocked out in the fight). "MASTER WU!" We all called out. We all hugged him and then went to Misako who was looking around. "Where's Lloyd?" She asked. "They got him again. When you were busy, they grabbed him and took off." I said. I felt guilty. I knew that if I hadn't fought over helping Kai and helping Lloyd, then I might have been able to save him from capture. But that's in the past. I can't change that. But I can change the future and get Lloyd back home where he belongs.

"But we need a firm explanation on what the heck Lloyd actually is, because what we witnessed was absolutely not human!" Jay shouted. "Well, we gave you a partial explanation, but we didn't give you the full explanation. But as we told you, the FSM was born both an Oni and a Dragon, when he had Wu and Garmadon, they became both. However, Wu had a strong dragon gene and became the master of creation. Garmadon has a more powerful Oni gene and became the master of destruction. When Lloyd was born, we believed he had an equally powerful gene to both sides." Misako said. "So, Lloyd can be either?" Kai asked. "Yes." Wu said. Interesting. I don't even think that if I hadn't witnessed it for myself, I wouldn't have believed that sweet innocent Lloyd, who was still afraid of thunder, could share the same genes as a dangerous destructive being. "So that means he probably just hasn't learned to control his anger yet?" Cole said. "It takes a little for you to control your Oni side, because anger fuels it, and anger is easy to come by." Garmadon said. "How long did it take you?" I asked. "Around 2-3 months." Garmadon replied. "But I guess maybe it will take a while for Lloyd to fully master this art because he must have a heck ton of anger for Chen and Clouse." I said. "Exactly. Which is why we need to get Lloyd back before he murders someone." Misako said.

"Guys I have some news on where Chen and Clouse are." Skylor said coming into the room. "Where?" I asked. "Well, the trackers spotted a group of people on the west side of the island at the docks. I think they're trying to figure out a plan on how to leave." Skylor answered, before looking at the screen. "Alright. Let's head out. Kai, Jay, Cole, you're with me, Zane, and the others will stay here to defend the bounty in case they come back." I say. "Alright. Let's get going." Cole said and we grabbed our weapons and managed to get out in time.

We started walking along a small path that should lead us to our destination. "Are we actually prepared for this? Or are we just going to jump them and hope we get out in one piece with Lloyd? Not to mention he hasn't controlled his ONI side, may I add. How exactly are we going to do this?" Jay asked. "Just trust me, Jay. I know what I'm doing. If you're that scared just cling to Cole. Y'know? Your boyfriend?" I said. I was getting tired of Jay's complaints. Jay just sighed and held Cole's hand and was leaning on him. "I know this is a first, but sis, I agree with Jay." Kai said. We were all shocked. Kai? Admitting that Jay was right? That's probably the only time THAT'S going to happen. "We need a solid plan. We can't just rush in. Not with the probability that Lloyd's life is at risk." Kai said. It was that promise huh? Kai is always a man of his word. If you don't double cross him, he won't double cross you. The month before Lloyd's disappearance, Kai had promised him that he would do whatever it took to make sure Lloyd was safe. No matter the circumstance. But with his life most likely on the risk, Kai is going to be a heck of a ton more cautious, and protective.

We kept walking before something shiny flicked the side of my eye. I turned to see what I had seen. "Did you guys see that?" I asked. "If you mean the black and gold shiny thing, then yes." Jay said, clinging to Cole ever more. He was also shaking. I kept turning around. But then something started to come out of the bush that was next to us.  

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