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The saliva in my mouth instantly dried up.

Where was I? Who was I? What kind of twist of fortune was I experiencing?

The almighty force of the Alpha had placed me in a box. I didn't dare move. Speak. I barely even breathed.

With a single nod, I felt firm grips on my arms. I was terrified. After my earlier display of defiance, death was surely upon me, and all I could do now was cower.

The malicious intent rolling off of Nathan was something I couldn't fathom no matter how far I'd let my imagination roam. He was dangerous—a monster. But in actuality, this was what an Alpha looked like. He demanded respect with his presence, not his words, and as luck would have it, he wasn't speaking.

"I... " My voice trembled as I struggled to speak. Although finding words was much more challenging when you found yourself surrounded by those who could quickly kill you. Again, I was reminded of the Rogue in the woods. The difference between him and me became increasingly disappointing. I couldn't fight my way out of this even if I managed to muster up a bit of strength, let alone pull off the moves he had.

"Won't you kneel, Rogue?" the beta with spiky black hair holding my right arm growled into my ear.

I swallowed hard, trying to relieve the tightness that had set in my throat. I felt like I'd eaten hot sand. Dry, unpleasant, coarse. My eyes drifted back up to Nathan. A glare focused directly on me as I stood captive by his entourage.

"Pup?" Dane called. His voice was small. He was on the floor, head pressed against the cold, shiny tiles. But when did it happen? When was he put into this submissive position, and how did I miss it? "I'm sorry."

My heart broke.

"It seems you didn't hear me the first time," Nathan barked, his growl becoming more threatening as the time slowly passed by. "I said to bow to the Alpha!"

Around the room, the betas laughed. They were enjoying their leader's show of power. For them, this was another game, another piece of entertainment that came with being at the top.

Tears fought their way out from behind my eyes as the anger within me pushed its way to the surface. "Why?" I questioned, my voice still trembling with fear. "Why should I kneel- bow- before someone like you?"

I could feel the tears bursting through. My eyelids flitted between being opened and closed as I sucked in ragged breaths, desperate to calm myself and appear more resilient than I was.

The laughter in the room ceased. Shuffling sounds and a muffled whimper filled the air as two deltas dragged Dane away to my left.

Within me, fear and despair fueled my anger further.

I shook myself violently, eager to free my body from their grasp. It was futile. They were stronger than I was. Years of training and the power they retained by being this high up the ladder meant I was nothing in comparison— no more than a light breeze attempting to shake a sturdy tree.

"You," Nathan called as I continued to struggle against my captors. "There's something wrong with you, isn't there? Something broken?"

"How can you. . . " I started. Offended but also saddened by the fact that my defects were called out by someone I'd shared space with for less than 20 minutes. 

Nathan cut me off, a finger lifted, silently shushing me. "You have no fear, no loyalty. You have no respect for the hierarchy. Just like any other rogue."

"I," my voice caught again, "I have a name, you know. And so what if there is something wrong with me?" The partially shifted nails of the Beta at my right dug into my arms. Pain rushed up to my bicep as a yelp found its way through my lips.

Seizing the Hierarchy  {Pup Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now