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This new life I had with the Colt Clan was high on my list of things to be grateful for. And as I yawned, stretching myself as I uncurled from the covers on Dane's bed, I added that to the list as well.

The closest I'd ever gotten to sleeping in a bed was a heap of hay on an abandoned farm. Except for the fleas, it was comfortable and warm yet nowhere close to what I'd just experienced.

"Did it meet your expectations?" Dane asked, stepping out of the bathroom built into his room. His hair and face were still wet from the shower he'd taken.

I laughed, "Way better, but I think I'd still prefer a tree now and then." Dane's pleasant smile was the answer I needed. There was no doubt I would use my room, but he knew I'd be spending plenty of time back in the woods. I felt more at home there. Always have.

His large oversized shirt hung haphazardly off my shoulder. Even though we were the same height, my frame was more petite, much smaller than Dane's, and whenever I wore his clothes, I was swallowed up. 

I looked down at the tangled sheets, pulling my feet out and hanging them off the bed. "Do I get an official tour?" I playfully asked.

Dane dug around in his dresser, pretending to ignore my question.

After a few moments of silence, he turned around and tossed me a pair of shorts, "You can tour the grounds yourself. Put those on, and then go find some clothes of your own."

"Right. Because what I own is so mysterious." I mocked. I had a small backpack packed with a few shirts and tights for when nights got too cold. During the move, I'd been too embarrassed to let Dane know that I'd somehow lost the only possessions I had. Now, though, it seemed that I would have to either fess up or act as if I'd willingly tossed it.

He chuckled, watching me as I shimmied into the pants he had given me. Of course, they were too big, and I tied the lace tightly to prevent it from falling. Dane took to the bed, straightening it up. He'd slept on the chair that was situated under the window. It was wide and white, and after snuggling up next to him for a few minutes, it seemed comfortable enough to sleep in. Even if his legs dangled over the edge.

I kept my distance, watching Dane go from fixing the bed to putting things in the closet. It occurred to me then that he was used to living like this. The wolf I'd met a few months ago was someone who was in-between lives, but for me, this was an entirely new way of life. There was nothing familiar to me.

"You should go now," Dane called from the closet. He kept his face hidden behind some hanging clothes as I peeked in. The time had come. I would have to tell him about my dirty little secret, whether I liked it or not.

I fidgeted, shuffling my feet as I lingered against the opposite wall. I felt I would be scolded the second he knew what had happened.

Dane leaned out, head tilted as he looked at me from the closet. "Why aren't you going?"

I squeezed my eyes shut and lowered my head. "I think I lost my bag on the way here. I know, I know. That's the only thing I had to worry about, and I lost it! No need to cut me down. I already feel stupid because of it."

Dane laughed, burying himself behind the doors. "Just go check out your room," he said, "you'll find everything you need in there."

My eyes remained trained on the grey carpeted floors as I headed for the door. If Dane was disappointed in me, I couldn't tell, and I'd rather find out when I felt a bit better about myself. There I was in that massive house, running water, clean carpeting beneath my feet, and my room, but I couldn't even supply myself with the most basic of things.

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