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 In it, three children stood side by side. One of them, a girl with long brown hair, was smiling from ear to ear with two boys on either side of her.

I could tell that the young boy with the blonde hair was Nathan. He had the same grey eyes that he has now. The other boy could've been Dane. His soft blue eyes and dark brown hair were an instant draw-in, but it was also common in werewolves at that age.

I pawed through more of the scattered documents and pictures. The longer I looked, the more I realized what everyone said was true. I did look like someone, and her name was Raysa

With every new photo I looked at, I saw more of me. Smiling next to Dane. Riding Nathan's back. It was like looking at a life I never had. A clone who'd shared something with these people that I had just intruded on.

It became too hard to keep looking at this person, at this mystery me that I did not know of. I pushed the pictures away, gathering them quickly and dumping them back into the bag as I shoved the papers in. 

That's when the tears started to fall. 

It was silent, but something inside me stirred. 

I turned the bag over again, looking at the word Rogues with an undying curiosity, but ultimately, I gave up and put the bag back with the others on the table. 

Besides, there were more pressing things at hand because even with the door shut, I could hear the tone of angered voices as they threatened to break through the door's surface. 

I snuck closer, forcing my ability to hear what was going on in the living room.

"You're playing games with me, Colt," one voice said. "These are dangerous people, willing to kill every member of this pack, the hierarchy included."

Nathan insisted. "She harbors no ill intent for the pack. Dane has kept a close eye on her, and so have others in the hierarchy. So far, the only offense she has is being lazy." He had a point. "Elder Faulks, she isn't her, they are not the same, and I've already proven that."

"Raysa and her family had us fooled for years! You think you can know if she's here on a mission in a day?" Elder Faulks countered. "Every one of you Colts is an utter fool. Poison to the well-being of the pack! Get rid of her, or I will!"

The shattering sound of glass and gasps echoed through the door. "It's not your say if she stays or goes! You are an adviser to our Clan, but please remember, I'm still cleaning up the mess you left behind when you were interim Alpha."

"You dare speak to me like that boy?" Elder Faulks shouted. The slight sound on the tiles made it clear that he had stood.

Nathan, however, wasted no time in firing back. "Alpha! I am your Alpha!" The menacing growl in Nathan's voice raised goosebumps on my arms. I was already picking up on it if he was emitting a scent as it burned my nose. "You have played with my Clan long enough, Faulks, and make no mistake, Pup is not Raysa, and neither am I. Raysa was foolish enough to trust you'd save her life even after what she'd done."

"Raysa was a threat!" Something slammed onto a surface.

"The only threat here is you, Faulks. I suggest you leave because, trust me when I say this, I have no reservations about killing you in front of your son. You might be an Elder now, but you will always be just a treasonous bastard in my eyes."

I swallowed hard.

Faint footsteps could be heard before Elder Faulks spoke again. "You're going to regret this, Alpha Colt."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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