Chapter 4: The Game

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Jess turned back to the group where everyone seemed to be eyeing one another mischievously. Millie broke the silence saying, "It's settled. Jess, you're about to become an official part of the family." Jess raised her eyebrows saying, "Oh? Am I now?" Noah moved down to the floor so he could face her, saying, "Yes! Who wants to explain?" Finn rolled his eyes and said, "Okay. Basically we started this tradition before season 1 where we played 7 minutes in Heaven or whatever." Jess said, "Oh man, going back to middle school, are we?" Noah cut in, "I know, I know. But we altered it because I mean it was mainly all guys and a girl. We lock two people in the closet and the old rules can be applied so there's definitely the potential for kissing. But it's also the chance for those two people to ask any questions they want. Nothing's off the table. So you get to know each other really well." Jess said, "Ah. So we get to get intimate both emotionally and physically." Gaten laughed and said, "Yeah. But there's a catch. We had to alter it once we got new cast members." Sadie said to the group, "You're welcome. I was the one to officially change it during season 2. Basically since they all knew each other it didn't make a whole lot of sense to do it the typical way so the way it worked was the new cast member staying in the closet and everyone else rotates. You get it?" Jess smiled, shook her head and said, "Unfortunately...alright who's going to show me to my home for the next hour?" Everyone looked around, waiting to see who would volunteer first. No one seemed to be overly eager so Noah said, "I'll just go first and we can go." Gaten turned to them as they exited the room saying, "Have fun Noahhh." While imitating kissing noises.

Noah opened the door to Millie's closet and ushered Jess in, who sat down. Noah closed the door and sat across from her. Jess questioned, "We're keeping the lights off?" Through the darkness she could see that Noah shrugged as he said, "I guess? Makes it more...ominous." Jess chuckled and said, "Okay. So should I start?" Noah answered, "Go ahead." Jess said, "Hmm.'s UPenn been? Especially being famous and all." Noah said, "Ah well it's been a great experience. People definitely know who I am and stuff so that's weird but I'm kind of used to it at this point, ya know?" Jess nodded and he continued. "I was super guarded at first when I started making friends and stuff but I think I have a solid group now. How was college for you? You graduated early, right?" Jess said, "Yeah. Honestly, I don't know how. I managed to do dual enrollment in high school so I only had to do two years of college. I kind of felt cheated but it was nice because it allowed me to go right back into acting. And if I hadn't done that, I definitely would not be here right now, so I'm really grateful." Noah said, "Yeah. For real." Jess said, "Okay. I have to know: did you ever like Millie?" She could have sworn she could feel Noah blushing through the darkness. He said, his voice cracking, "Uhhm." He continued, "Yeah, I guess so. Like a little when I was younger but I was such a kid I didn't know what to do with that so I got over it pretty quickly thankfully. But don'tttt tell anyone, please." Jess said, "Okay, okay." Noah teased, "Okay. Now you have to tell me a secret that no one else knows because I've literally never told anyone that." Jess thought carefully saying, "Hmm. Well I'm pretty much an open book. Most people know everything about me already." Noah grabbed her arm and said, "Come onnnn." Jess eyed Noah through the darkness. She said, "I literally don't know!" Noah said, "Okay, fine. How about this: I've seen some of your stuff so I know you've kissed people. Who would you say was your favorite kiss so far?" Jess shook her head and said, "Hmm. Okay. I'm about to be super honest here, okay?" Noah nodded eagerly. Jess said, "If I'm going to be honest, it was probably one I had at this party in college. Picture this: Freshman year; we were all pretty heavily intoxicated. I forget who but someone had hooked us up with a ton of tequila and fireball." Noah said, "Oh?" Jess smiled and said, "Yep. Normally people hate their drunk kisses but this was the first kiss I had ever had with a girl." Noah said, "Oh...OH!" Jess chuckled and said, "Yep. I never really saw her again. Didn't even get her name but I will say that it kind of solidified for me that I was—or am bi." Noah said, "Oh my gosh! That's actually so freaking cool. Thanks by the way...for telling me." Jess said, "Of course. Just don't tell anyone. I can't let that get leaked to the media before most of my family finds out. Especially the hella conservative ones." Noah said, "Yes, yes. I'd never. I've got you."

As silly as this game was, Jess found herself getting extremely close with everyone there. Even though it was only seven minutes each, they were all willing to get deep really fast. Finally the last person came in: the one that Jess was lowkey nervous for, for some reason. She questioned whether it was because of their conversation earlier or maybe that she thought she was really pretty, but either way she swallowed hard when Sadie came in, switching places with Gaten. She sat down and Jess said, "Welcome to my humble abode." Sadie laughed, making Jess blush. She hoped Sadie couldn't tell through the darkness. Sadie said, "I appreciate it, table buddy." Jess said, "Always." There was a delicate silence between them before Sadie spoke up. "So question: Did you and Noah kiss when he was in here?" Jess said, "Woah, woah. No. Did he tell you that?" Sadie said, "No, no. Gaten just asked him when he came back out there and he said no but was being weird about it." Jess rubbed the back of her neck saying, "Nah. Definitely didn't." Jokingly, she said, "Why? Jealous? Just joking." She laughed, trying to emphasize that it was joke but Sadie seemed to become a bit smaller. Sadie said changing the subject, "Okayyy. I've got a question for you." Jess said, "All yours. Go ahead." Sadie said, "Okay. What was the most exposing thing you've said in here tonight and to who?" Jess bit her lip. Unsure if she should say anything. It was clearly her coming out to Noah but the honest truth was that it was harder to tell girls that than it was to tell boys. Her past history with telling girls had not gone well. She cleared her throat and said, "Um. Well, probably when I told Caleb I had had a crush on him when I first saw Stranger Things." She prayed Sadie couldn't tell that it was a lie. Sadie said unsuspectingly, "Ah. That's a good one." Jess let out a quiet sigh of relief. Sadie continued, "Ya know, you're a great actress so I thought you'd be better at lying." Jess's jaw dropped. After composing herself she said, "What are you talking about?!" Sadie said, "You totally just broke eye contact while you said that and that's the first time you haven't made full eye contact while talking to me." Jess said, "Hey now! We're in a dark closet. I can't even see your eyes in here!" Sadie said, "Oh? That was another one. You just looked down when you said that just now. I mean, if I can see your eyes reflecting the light seeping under the door right now, then you can see mine." Jess narrowed her eyes, saying, "Okay! You're good, you know that?" She shook her head, chuckling a bit. Sadie said, "Okay, well I won't force it out of you but know that in due time, you'll have to tell me if our characters really get as close as they do in this season."

She was right. In season 5, Jess's character ends up becoming Max's biggest form of support after waking up from the coma. Jess looked down and took a deep breath, rubbing her cheek with the back of her hand. She contemplated if she should tell her. Finally she said, "Okay. I'll tell you. It was with Noah. I...uh...told him some stuff about me. But it's really embarrassing and I don't want you to be like grossed out or something. I know Zachary's family would be pretty disgusted if they found out." Jess looked up at her again saying, "Not that I think you're automatically going to be like them or anything, I just...I'm sorry. Wow. I'm rambling." Sadies reached across, resting her hand on top of Jess's saying, "Hey. It's totally okay if you don't want to tell me or if you're not ready to or whatever." Jess felt her palms sweating and bit the inside of her cheek, saying, "No, no. It's okay. I um, I'm...I hope you don't view me differently but um, I'm actually bi or whatever." Jess could have sworn she felt Sadie's hand twitch at that moment. Perhaps fighting the urge to let go of Jess's hand. Sadie said, "Oh. Okay. Cool." Jess pulled her own hand away self consciously saying, "Yeah. That's all...Also, it's not like I want to get in everyone's pants or whatever. Like I don't want you to think that I'm trying to get at you and make you uncomfortable or like I don't know. I know Zach's family would want to disown me as their 'chosen' family or whatever. But once again, not that you have the same views as them but—" Sadie cut her off saying, "Jess. Trust me, it's okay." She let out an uneasy laugh. Jess said, "Oh. Okay. Yeah sorry." Sadie looked up at the closet saying, "Let's get out of here." Jess said, "Wow. Kicking me out of the closet after I just came out of the closet?" Sadie covered her mouth, stifling her laughter. After catching her breath she said, "No, no. It's not that. It's just stuffy in here. Millie's window has a fire escape. We could take it up to the roof if you're down?" Jess said, "Oh hell yes. No offense to Mills, but I feel like I've had enough time staring at those bedazzled heels. Jess pointed at the ones laying near Sadie's knees. They glistened thanks to the little light peeking in from the other side of the door. Sadie said, "Right? I told her to get rid of them but she loves them I love my dogs or something." Jess chuckled as they quietly made their way out of the closet and to the fire escape.

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