"Welp. At least I have one good grade."

23 0 0

I wake around the same time I do everyday, going through my morning routine.

We have creamer, thankfully.

I add a bit into my coffee, grabbing my bag and heading out the door.

I don't bother to pack a lunch, and there's leftover enchiladas in the fridge from last night, so abuela can heat those up when she gets out of bed. Enchiladas are her favorite, anyway.

Most people don't like Mondays, but I find them kind of refreshing. Especially since we're supposed to get our progress reports today, and I'll know what classes I'll need to do extra credit in.

It only takes a few minutes of me waiting at my porch for the familiar sound of heavy metal music to fill my ears.

I smile.

Eddie's van stops in front of my house, he gets out of the truck and opens the passenger door for me as I approach.

"I haven't seen you in forever, it feels like it's been years." He jokes.

"I'm sorry, who are you again? It's been so long I forget your name" I endulge.

He feigns hurt, gasping for a second before he smiles at me.

We both chuckle.

Once I'm sitting Eddie closes the door, going back around to jump behind the wheel.

"How was your sunday?" I ask.

"..... not that interesting. Actually, kind of boring. Saturday was definitely better." He answers.

"How was yours?" He glanced at me before returning his eyes to the road.

"It was decent. Abuela got better pretty quickly. Went to the video store for the first time. The people who work there are kind of interesting, one of them's in our grade, I think." I return.

We pull into the school's parking lot, the bell won't ring for a while, so we have time to spend in the hellfire club's room.

I take out some classwork while Eddie scans over one of his campaigns.

A comfortable silence falls over us.

Not too long after, however, it's interrupted.

"What do you mean you're trying out for the basketball team? Those guys are total douchebags!" Dustin yells behind him, stomping into the room.

"I mean, none of us have ever actually had a conversation with any of them, maybe they just seem douche-y, Steve was on the basketball team and you practically worship him." Lucas argues back.

"Yeah, well you seem to be forgetting that Steve actually was a douche before my sister dumped him." Mike jumps into the conversation.

"Woah woah woah, what's this all about?" Eddie questions, getting out of his seat.

"Sinclair, you're planning on turning to the darkside?" He accuses.

"It's not like that. It's just- I wanna try out for the basketball team, I feel like I could be good, and if I'm impressive enough, maybe eventually get a scholarship." Lucas defends.

"Don't listen to him Eddie, he's trying to leave us behind and be all 'popular' and stuff, please, tell him it's a bad idea." Dustin instigates.

Mike nods along.

"Look kid, while I don't approve of you betraying us, if you don't wanna stay here and be apart of our group, I can't force you to." Eddie sighs.

"I promise I don't want to leave hellfire. I'll make sure basketball doesn't interfere with any of our meetings. I just, I want to be apart of something people won't make fun of me for." The freshman reasons.

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