Lesson 41-The Human World [NSFW]

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Lesson 41-19

The demon brothers were such a great surprise, when you expected someone to babysit. They made you smile, when you realized they came to the Human World to have a vacation, and to see you! You'd already met everyone from the brothers, except the eldest, to whom your heart belongs.

-Ah, you're finally here. We were getting pretty tired of waiting for you. -And there he was, arms crossed over his chest, and that soft smile of his shining on you, which always made butterflies in your stomach. You hadn't seen Lucifer for months, but now he was here, waiting for you in his new outfit. Just admit it, he was hot with those eyeglasses.

-Cheers! -The glasses, filled with champagne of reunion, clinged in the air as the brothers welcomed you to their temporary new house, at the Serenity Major.

You were sitting at the table, playing with the little food which was left in front of you, and didn't even notice the body that sat right next to you.

-...What's wrong? You don't seem to be eating much.

You pouted and looked into the puppy eyes next to you. Lucifer was an elegant and beautiful man, but from this close, you had to admit, he was even more handsome. A smile curved onto your lips and you gave him your answer.

-That's not true. I've been eating.

Lucifer turned his attention to one of the dishes, and grabbed it to put it in front of you.

-Then you should have some of this. I made it myself, and I'm proud of how it turned out. Apparently it's called "Beef Stroganoff". It's similar to the flaming hot Fafnir stew we have in the Devildom. -You looked at the food in front of you, blinking slowly, as the memories emerged in your mind. -It really has been a long day for you. You must be worn out at this point, no? If you're feeling tired, what do you say we slip away? Just the two of us. 🎶

Your eyes sparkled at his words, and you tried to hide your shy grin on your face.

-I'd like it if we could be alone, yeah. -You giggled, giving him a wink. He simply stood up and gently held out his hand to lead the way.

-Well then, let's go. If we leave right now, the others won't notice us. They're too distracted watching Beel wolf down that entire ultra-spicy fire cake. -He sighed and helped you stand up, so you could see what he was talking about. -Unbelievable... Whose idea was it to make something like that anyway?

Walking in the hallway, you still gazed at the whole building in awe. It was so good to see them once again, they really loved you, and you felt the same. Grinning as you two reached his room, he was still holding your hand tightly. Lucifer opened the door, and quickly pulled you in, shutting the door and you landed on his chest.

-[Y/N]... -His embrace was tight and full of love. -Do you have any idea how hard I had to struggle not to do this earlier...? It was all I could do to resist throwing my arms around you right in front of everyone at the party.... I missed you.

You could clearly hear the pounding of his heart, feel his body temperature and you could touch him, he was here, flesh and blood. You wrapped your arms around him, to feel and hear more of these, more of him and you smiled.

-I feel the exact same way, Lucifer.

He chuckled, running a hand up on your back to reach your nape.

-...Yes. I know. I can tell just from the way you feel against me. I can sense what you're feeling. -Lucifer gently pulled away just a little to look deeply into your eyes, and he unconsciously licked his lips, leaning a bit closer. He struggled not to look at your lips, and eventually gave up as he parted his own lips, to whisper something: -Kiss me...

Lucifer x Reader -Obey me! One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now