Mistakes: Ermin/Jermin (AOT)

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Everyone is older in this btw- and it's a normal AU where they aren't scouts and shit, they're just normal people.


"Armin wait!!" Eren shouted, tears in his eyes.
Armin was holding his suitcase as he stood at the door, he was leaving. "What now, Jeager?!" Tears streamed down the blonde's cheeks.
"I can fix this! I'm sorry! D-Don't leave!"
"Too late! I have the car ready and the kids' shit packed! We're leaving! Take your damn ring!" Armin threw his wedding ring at Eren, then stormed out the house.
Eren began to cry, running after his lover. "We can make this up! Please! You all mean the world to me!" He begged, grabbing Armin's arm.
"Get the hell off me! I don't want you anymore, Eren! What you did was wrong!" Armin pulled his arm away and shoved his things into the car.
Their kids were crying. They were scared and confused.
"B-Baby, don't be like that!" Eren pleaded, forcing Armin close. Armin tried to get out of the brunette's grip.
"Eren, let me go!" Armin squirmed.
"No! You're trying to leave me and take my kids away!" Eren protested.
Armin kicked him, causing him to fall to the ground.
Armin then ran to the car and got in, speeding off. This made the kids cry more.
"W-Why are we leaving dad behind?!" The oldest shouted. Armin held in his tears as he drove, ignoring his children's questions.

Soon after, Armin pulled up to a hotel. He checked in and brought his kids inside. He then carried their things in.
He checked his phone once he was done. "Pssht.. Over twenty missed calls.." He growled angrily and tossed his phone onto the empty bed. He sat down and broke down in tears.

Later into the night, Eren knocked on the door. Since Armin was deeply asleep, their oldest child woke up and walked up to the door, quietly asking, "W-Who is it..?"
"It's your dad, Abby.." Eren spoke.
Abby then quickly unlocked the door and swung it open, greeting her father with a tight embrace.
"Yeah, I missed you too. But where's your papa...?" Eren asked softly.
Abby pointed to the second bed, letting her father go.
Eren walked over to where Armin laid. He then climbed into the bed and pulled the blonde close, who happily cuddled into the familiar warmth.
"I'm so sorry, baby.." Eren said, his voice cracking. He held Armin closer. 
Abby smiled happily and went back to sleep, cuddling her younger brother.

The next day, Armin woke up. He smiled and snuggled into Eren, then realized who was next to him. He quickly jumped up and kicked Eren out the bed, him landing on the ground with a thud.
"A-Armin, baby.." Eren tried to speak more, but Armin slapped him.
"What the fuck, Eren?! Why don't you understand that we are over?!" Armin shouted, feeling his eyes water.
Eren stood up and looked at the blonde sadly, "I didn't mean it.."
"You hit our son and had the nerve to cheat on me! WE'VE BEEN MARRIED FOR SIX YEARS, EREN!!" Armin began crying.
"S-So that's why Levi was crying.." Abby choked, looking at her parents.
(They named their son Levi, after Levi Ackermann)
"N-No, I never mean to hurt your brother, baby!" Eren tried defending himself, but Armin grabbed him by his shirt and threw him out the room.
"Leave us alone! Haven't you done enough?!" He shouted.
"A-Armin, please! Try to understand!" Eren begged.
"No! You drank! You drank and laid your hands on our kid!" Armin gave Eren a hard, cold glare.
"I-I didn't mean to!"
"Then care to explain the cheating?! I walked in and saw you FUCKING Mikasa!!" Armin cried, Eren was speechless. "You know she has a family!! You ruined that! You ruined that like you ruin everything!! We finally were haply until you decided I wasn't good enough for you anymore!!"
"Th-That's not it at all.." Eren sobbed.
"Yeah, sure. Stay the fuck away from me and the kids. I'll take you to court about custody once I have a house." Armin then slammed the door in Eren's face.
Eren began banging on the door, which scared the kids. Armin held them both as he called the police, then Jean.
Jean got there first and fought Eren away, earning a few hits. But landing a few of his own.
Armin let Jean inside once he had the chance and instantly hugged him tightly. Jean hugged him back then grabbed the kids and held them too.

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