Chapter 3 - First Day of School

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Niall's POV;

"Oi. Niall get up mate, breakfast will be here in ten minutes." Paul said as he nudged me. Breakfast! I hopped out of bed used the bathroom pulled on some clothes and was downstairs in just under ten minutes. Paul seemed to be amused by my reaction but what can I say? I love my food.

The doorbell rang, "I'll get it that should be breakfast." Paul said as he started to stand.

"NO!" I jumped up and ran to the door before Paul even took five steps. I pulled it open and was greeted by a girl holding a large bag. She smiled at me, "Hey! I've never seen you around here before!" I shrugged at her, "I'm staying with my uncle for a couple of months. I got here last night."

"Oh okay. What school are you going to?"

"Umm... Cheshire High Schoo-"

"Ha religious school! Are you a Christian?"

"No. It was the only one with space left. Do you go to school?"

"Nah. Left last year work as a delivery girl for the restaurants until I can pay to go to Uni though."

"That's cool. I've always wandered though do you get free food?"

"Hell yeah! That's why I do it!"

I smiled and gave her the money and took the bag off of her.

"Well I'll see you around new boy!" She waved as she left.

As I returned into the kitchen I checked the time, school started in 15 minutes! It would take me around that long to get there if I didn't get lost. I ran into my room and grabbed a backpack and a couple of pens and pencils before running out of the front door shouting bye to Paul. I half ran down the road not knowing where I was going turning round in circles every time I reached crossroads until I bumped into someone literally.

I fell onto the floor my back getting the full impact. The other person was still standing waiting for me to get up. As I stood I looked him over quickly, he had an olive complexion, brown eyes, black hair and looked to be about 5' 9". He stared at me angrily.

"What?" I asked.

"You're gonna pay for that."

"Pay for what? And I'll be the one to decide what I pay for."

"That." He pointed to his drink all over the floor, "Don't get cocky with me newbie I'll kick your ass otherwise."

I smirked up at him he was a couple of inches taller than me and seemed to think that he was better that me, "And what makes you think you'll be able to kick my ass?"

It was his turn to smirk as he took a step towards me preparing his fists to punch me. I saw it coming though and punched him first causing him to double over allowing me to push him down to the ground.

He glared at me and said, "I'll get you at school." before pulling himself up and walking back into the shop a couple of meters down the road. I shrugged and carried on walking down the path which was sign posted to take me to Cheshire High School.

As I neared the school I could hear masses of voices before I could actually see anything. But I suppose that's what you get for forcing teenagers to wake up early in the morning and go to school. When it finally came into sight I saw two buildings, the first placed in the centre of the grounds noticeably bigger than the other which was in the corner by some massive fields.

The main building was two stories high but was large creating a square building. Above the entrance was a massive cross with Jesus hanging off it. Well that would make dang sure that any passer - by would be able to tell its a Catholic school wouldn't it.

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