Obamas house

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after a long drive, the SUV stops in front of a big house. Nick guesses that it must be Obama's house. One of the men put the bag on Nick's head again and bring him out of the car and into the house. "see nick this is my house, isn't it nice, oh wait you can't see you have a bag over your head" Obama says with a sarcastic voice. Nick found it odd how bad Obama's humor was. Nick could tell they were going down a flight of stairs and once they get to the end of the stairs the man takes off the bag on nicks head, and nick sees a room full of desks with computers and men just typing away, all the men have a sad face on with bags under their eyes he figured they have not been sleeping, would Obama really do this? Nick asked himself. "this is headquarters, where we try and stop the birds," Obama says, nick looks at him and he how such a proud face on. Nick sees an empty desk right infant of him and Obama nods and points to the desk, so Nick sits down and gets to work even though he does not know what he is doing. Obama leaves but the man who put the bag over Nick's head stays to watch over everybody. 

after hours of just "researching birds," the man watching over everybody leaves to go upstairs, and right when the door closes the man next to nick comes over to him and hands him a phone, and walks over to another desk, nick does not second guess this and types in Chris's number and sends his location and types "it is nick SOS". The man who gave him the phone comes back over and takes the phone from nick. The man in the black suit comes back from upstairs and goes to the same spot he was before, and nick continued to "research birds"

at the sturniolo's house...

Matt and Chris have been staying up all night thinking of ways to save nick when Chris hears his phone chime. "IT IS FROM NICK, HIS LOCATION" Chris screams at Matt. Matt runs over to Chris to look at the phone, "omg we have to go there, RIGHT NOW" Matt says to Chris, they grab the keys and get into the minivan, and drive to nicks location (which is like 6hrs and 15 minutes away because it is in Washington D.C.)

Back at Obama's house...

it has been 3 hrs of Nick typing on an old ass computer, Nick's hands are cramping and he is getting tired. He looks over at The man in the black suit, who is still staring at everyone. Nick has been trying to think of a way out and sending that text to Chris hopefully will save him. The man in the back suit leaves again, and the guy who gave nick the phone comes over again.

"Hi my name is James," the man says.

 "Hi I am Nick" nick responds. "so what is happening here?" he asks.

"Obama has abducted us to work for him to stop the birds from taking over" James says.

"how long have you been here?" Nick says.

"6 months," says James.

Nick is shocked and he starts to worry that he won't be out of here for a while.

"How did you get a phone?" nick asks.

"I stole it from the man in black, I did it in month three and I texted my wife but she never responded I guess she does not care," James says looking depressed.

Nick felt bad for James but he knew his brothers would come for him.

"Well the person I texted will come here we will take you with us," Nick says trying to make a friend.

"if you get out of here," James says. he continues to say "this place is a prison, no way of getting out, Well expect on way... but it is too risky," James says.

"spit it out James," nick says hoping the man in black does not come back again.

"Obama keeps his window open in his bedroom all day, I heard it from the guys in a suit talking shit on Obama, so maybe if your brothers get through the window they can save us, but they would have to do it at 1 pm because that is when we leave to go to lunch, guards will be there but IDK maybe," James says.

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