the escape

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Nick, Chris, and Matt are in a dark room passed out from the drugs that Obama gave him, they are also blindfolded. An old woman walks into the room and takes the blindfolds off the triplets, she then slaps all three of them across the face to wake them up. 

Nick was the first to wake and freaked out for a moment and then gave up and just sat in silence. Matt and Chris still did not wake up so the old lady proceeded to slap both of them again, they immediately woke up in shock. The triplets looked at the old lady with confused faces, they were wondering what she was doing here and why she woke them up?

"Hello, I am Obama's mother Ann," the old lady said.

"h-hi Ann," Matt said trying to be polite.

"My son has instructed me to take wake u up, now I have to leave," Ann said.

"oh okay, b-bye," Nick said confused about why Obama's mom needed to do this.

"Before I go I just want to say the food here is really... good," Ann said in a mysterious voice.

then Ann left the dark room, the brothers looked at each other trying to understand what just happened.

"Why did she say the food was really... good, I mean was that supposed to mean something," Chris said trying to put the pieces together in his head.

"well Michelle is the cook here, but why would Ann say that?" Nick says trying to think of a way it all fits together.

"is she saying that Michelle will help us, will she let us out?!" Matt says with a  hopeful voice.

"omg I think your right, well lunch is at one, so we will have to wait, I do not know the time," Nick said.

For the next four hours Chris, Nick, and Matt were trapped in that dark room, just sitting in silence. Then the door opened the man in the black suit came in with three bags in his hands. "time for lunch" he said. Then he put the bags over each of their heads and led them to the lunch room.

The room was filled with the same people Nick worked with in the bunker. the triplets walked over the long line of people waiting for food. When they got to the front they saw Michelle.

"what do we do? ask her to save us?" Matt said trying to come up with a plan.

"IDK let's just see what she does, I guess," Nick said while he picked up a bang energy drink.

the triplets got to Michelle and Nick said hi to her.

"hi nick you should get the pizza it is really good," Michelle said why handing him a plate. nick took the plate and walked over to an empty table. Chris and Matt followed him to the table and sat across from him.

"That was weird," Chris said

"maybe not," Nick said in a curious voice then picked up the pizza from the plate and found a piece of paper. 

"omg..." Matt said waiting for nick to read the paper.

"go out from the back door, it leads to the backyard and there are no guards there" Nick read forms he notes.

"Woah," Matt and Chris said simultaneously.

"guys we can't escape now what about the sacrifice," Nick said.

"are u crazy that is why we have to escape," Chris said.

"but if we leave either Obama will just take another set of triplets or the birds will take over we have to figure out a way to stop this" Nick said in a heroic voice.

"he is right," Matt said looking at Chris.

"Okay smarty how are we gonna do that then, huh," Chris said looking at nick waiting for an answer.

"okay well we do not know when this sacrifice is going to happen so whatever we do has to happen today," Nick says trying to come up with something.

"yea but what do we do," Matt said hoping nick had an answer.

"what if we communicate with the birds," Chris said.

"How will we do that" Nick said. 

"We have to send them a letter, duh," Chris said.

"you think a bird will just deliver a letter, Chris" Matt said thinking that was a stupid suggestion.

in the background, you could hear two men in black suits having a conversation...

"one of the leader birds is coming today to the bedroom window in 30 minutes," said one of the men in a black suit.

"well I guess we have a way now," Chris said.

"let me write the letter," nick says grabbing a paper and pencil from a table next to them.

25 minutes later.....

Matt falls to the floor and starts seizing.

the room looks over to the triplets table.

"MY BROTHER, H-HE IS HAVING AN ALLERGIC REACTION, PLS HE NEEDS HELP" Chris screams trying to get the men in black suits' attention.

one of the men comes over to Matt and picks him up and goes out of the room.

Matt reaches into his pocket and takes out the bang energy drink and pours it all over the man's face, which makes him fall to the floor. Matt races to the bedroom where Chris and Him came from. 

When Matt reaches the door we swing it up to see another man in black standing there, Matt looks around the room to find something to hit him with. he finds a candle stick and aims for his knees and the man falls to the floor in pain. 

Matt runs over to the window to see a bird just sitting there, Matt opens the window and puts the letter in the bird's mouth, and the bird flies out into the distance.

While Matt was out of the the lunchroom...

Chris and Nick take the bang energy drinks from the table by the door and shake them up and then open them. This causes the room to be filled with bang energy drinks and when everyone is distracted Nick and Chris run out of the room to the Bedroom where Matt is.

"c'mon Matt let's go," Nick says.

All three of them run towards the back door where Michelle told them to go, they open the door and run out to the backyard and find a gate and open it and run out.

they escaped finally.

Nick Sturniolo gets abducted by Obama!!?!??!Where stories live. Discover now