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2 days later...

Matt, Chris, and Nick are back in Boston away from Obama and the men in black suits. They are chilling in Chris's room.

"so I really hope the letter convinces them not to attack us," Matt says.

"What did you even write Nick," Chris says looking at Nick.

"i-i wrote-"nick was cut off from the bird flying into their room with a letter in its mouth. 

The bird lands on the floor in front of them and Matt grabs the letter from the bird's mouth.

"We agree that taking over the human race would do no good and that the only bad person is Obama who was trying to stop us, (Matt's eyes go wide when he reads the next part) so nick we have decided to just kill Obama. sincerely the birds" Matt read from the letter.

"omg they killed Obama," Chris said.

the bird flew away.

"wow..." nick said in a not surprised voice.

"wait nick did you tell them to..." Matt said to nick.

"I mean..." nick said.

"NICK" Chris screamed.

"he is a terrible person he abducted me and made me work with him, and not just me all those other people," Nick said trying to justify what he did.

"you're right Obama is not a good person," Matt said.

"I guess, it is too late now anyway," Chris said 

the triplets went back to chilling and never thought about the birds or Obama again...

Nick Sturniolo gets abducted by Obama!!?!??!Where stories live. Discover now