Chapter 8

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"Key you didn't come?" I leaned on my bed when I called Niana and she immediately stabbed me with questions.

"Sorry, Ben is crazy today. So you know" I glanced at Ben who was using a towel to cover part of his body out of the bathroom. Yes, I have to admit, the body shape and tattoos make it look a little sexy.

Just a little

"You're crazy Key, it's afternoon" I can hear Lisa giggling mocking me.

"It's okay Lis, I wish Arjuna is worse"

"I wish not Key " said Lisa instantly.

"So what's going on, have you set the date yet? I can''t wait" i asked.

"This time I agree with you, Key," said Niana.

"Come on, don't make fun of me, it's a shame."

"It's been a while Key, we want to shop. See you" Niana ended the call.
After taking a shower I get ready for shopping, after all I have to eat.
"Where are you going Key?" Ben who was in the kitchen making coffee for himself immediately asked me.

"I want to go shopping"

"Let me go with you" I was lazy to argue with him. After all, he's allowed to take over my job from time to time for shopping.

"Are you off today?" I asked Ben while smoothing the lipstick on my lips. Ben was wearing only jeans and a t-shirt, something that rarely happened when he went out.

"It's useless Key, even though I work today. I won't be able to concentrate on work because you were still angry earlier"

My brain thinks about an idea
So next time, if I want Ben to skip work again I just have to be angry with him, I laughed evilly inside.

"Don't think about it Key, after all next time I will be more professional in dividing my time between work and personal matters" he replied as if he could read my mind, it seems that Ben can actually read minds secretly.
Ben pushed the shopping trolley while I walked in front of him picking and thinking about what I wanted to buy. Ben didn't say anything, he preferred to pay attention to me when choosing what I would buy.

Not far from us were two women who were whispering with a smile looking at Ben. It seems that their shopping activities have been diverted by Ben. Damn it, I want to scream at them, I am his wife you bitches. I glared at Ben, who was staring at me innocently. He didn't seem to know that several women were watching him. It's time to teach the women who are giving my man the eyes.

Without warning I immediately kissed Ben on the cheek, just like the women Ben was also a little surprised by my actions. But fortunately it works, those women finally chose to avert their gazes and move away.
Next time he wants to take Ben shopping he should wear a hat or if necessary a helmet to cover his face.
During my stay with him I rarely saw him working out, which made me wonder how he managed to keep his body in shape. Maybe he had plastic surgery, or maybe liposuction.

"Ben you never exercise do you?" I asked idly. Ben was sorting the groceries into the right places, sorting out which would be in the fridge and in the cupboards. Meanwhile I cut vegetables for lunch.

"I exercise every day, why?" Every day? Isn't Ben every working day instead of exercise? Can that also be categorized as exercise?

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