The monkey of the sun and moon

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Sun wukong (monkey king) POV:
I was just sitting on a tree until I saw MK walking towards him, I tried to called him but looked at him looking at the left. I saw him ran towards the left so I had to followed him to see what he was doing. When I went to the same spot he stopped at, I couldn't see him it's like he just vanished, am I going crazy or is it a demon. I walked around trying to find him until I saw him looking in pain and fell on the ground. I ran towards him and yelled, "OI KID ARE YOU OKAY, MK WAKE UP!" As I yelled I see that he was about to be knocked out.
I picked him up and went back to the cave and later him in the soft bed. I looked at him in confusion like "why did he faint, what is going on, and what is happening?" I turned around asking more questions until I heard a a voice calling for me, so I looked at the unconscious boy in the bed. He is still the same, I jumped and felt a touch on the back of my shoulder. I went into a fight mode and see it was macaque.
Macaque: Hey old bud how's it been
I looked at him and said, "what are you doing here."
Macaque: what am I not allowed to check on the majesty."
Macaque looked to MK who was asleep on the bed.
Macaque: why is the kid here?
I turned around looking at MK who was about to be awake. I ran towards MK as he wakes up.
MK: ugh what happened wait where is that boy?
I looked at him confused and said, "what boy are you okay bud I saw you past out when you ran.?"
Mk looked at me and macaque at the same time and looked around.
Mk: I saw this boy that looked like I ran to see him but he just disappeared after that I felt a pain in my chest what's going on?
Macaque and I looked at each other then back at MK
Macaque: listen kid I have no idea what you are talking about but I think you need rest.
Mk looked at macaque then looked down. As silent came by, MK screamed and put both of his hand on his head. He fell on to the floor screaming in pain. I was worried and tried to calm him down. He hugged me tightly crying onto me. He fell back asleep and I put him back on the bed, I looked at macaque who was worried about Mk.
I told macaque to take him home after he wakes up while I go find the reason what's going on with Mk.
Macaque POV:
Wukong told me to take him home after he wakes up I nodded and wait until Mk wakes up, I looked at wukong who left with his cloud. I turned to look at Mk and I see a scar on MK's right eye. I gently touch the scar as Mk started to feel pain. Mk grabbed my hand and cried on to it by the pain. I stared at MK starting to think if he was the person who he and wukong loved back then before he died.
After some times pasted by MK woke up and see me holding onto something that belongs to someone before.
Mk: what is that?
I jumped and looked at MK and said, "it's a flute that belongs to someone that me and wukong loved."
Mk looked at me with confused face and said: looks familiar to me.
I reply, "well it's time to go back home it's getting dark and I think your friends might be worried about you." As I get up from the bed and picked MK up. Mk was able to stand correctly, I grabbed his hand and went back to his apartment. I dropped him off in his room that was clean but have a bunch of drawings on the floor. I picked up the drawing and see me with wukong and MK as best teachers. I looked at MK who looks at the crystal he was given. I said, "where did you get that?"
Mk looked at me in silent and looked back at the crystal. I went up to him and took the crystal to take a look. Mk didn't moved so I put him down at his bed and put the crystal back on his hand. He fell asleep so I left the apartment and went home.
I woke up to see that I'm in my room. I tried to stand up but fell. It was a loud bump that made pigsy ran all the way to my room.
Pigsy: oi kid are you okay.
Pigsy ran towards me and picked me up and put me on the bed.
Pigsy: maybe you should take a week off you seems odd ever since that old lady gave you that crystal.
I looked at pigsy and felt something sharp in my head. I feel like I'm sick, I feel weak, I feel tired, I feel like im dying. I stood up and said I was fine and walked away but I wasn't able to stand well my body feels hot like the sumani fire that mei had it hurts. I didn't notice that I bump into the one and only red son. I was knocked out until I woke up in a bed next to red son.
Red son: ugh finally your awake come on
Red some took my hand to drag me to the dinner table with the demon bull king and princess iron fan. My head hurts as the demon bull king looks at me.
Demon bull king: now tell me what is going to happen now.
Princess iron fan: this isn't time for a joke and we are not going to be part of this.
I looked at them and put my hands on my head. There are voices everywhere telling me to use it, use what destroy what. Princess iron fan yelled, "NOODLE BOY TALK!"
I snapped out of it, "what?" I replied. As the princess looks at me and said, "what are you doing here?" I replied, " nothing I just bump into red son and fainted ugh it hurts." I closed my eyes as I put my head down in pain.
Demon bull king: what hurts thief
I looked at bull king and tried to act cool but it hurts very bad that I screamed and fell to the ground. I see red son coming to me as I tried to get up until ears popped up. My ears twitch as I looked at it, I have ears wtf what is going on am I a cat? Wtf.
Red son: wtf ears?
I touch my head and feel ears and for some reason I cried black ink. I touch my forehead as the pain is going away and my body is very hot. I said, "I'm sorry for the trouble I must leave." I walked away and tried to get back home.
Princess iron fan: darling could he be-
Demon bull king: we don't know but he might be him the sun shadow samurai.
Red son: huh?

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