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Nobody's POV:
Nezha looked at MK then looked at the older wukong, he still couldn't understand what's happening right now.
MK: okay then since now that your here, do you guys have a plan on what to do.
Older wukong: there is a way to train your sword that you have so that you can control it.
The monk looked like he wanted to tell them about MK but that will break his feelings because they made a promise.
Younger wukong: are you okay master you look like you need to tell us something.
All of them looked at the monk as the monk look at MK. MK sigh as he thinks about it.
MK: fine the promise is off if it's bothering you so you can tell them.
The monk looked surprised as he replied.
Monk: MK told me that before he went to a coma for a month he saw a vision of three different type where his past selves keeps on meeting wukong and macaque on the second vision, he also met Nezha when he was young.
Everyone was surprised except for younger wukong, the monk, and MK.
Younger wukong: oh I knew
MK looked at him in shocked as he said, "how?"
Younger wukong: I kinda heard you two talking about it I didn't meant to but I wanted to check up on you to see if you were okay but you started talking about it.
MK just shook it off and said, "well there is no time to waste any you guys have more plan."
Tang: uhhh we don't do anything and we will just die.
Tang: I'm just joking pigsy can't you take it.
Pigsy and tang started argue while the two sandy tries to calm them down.
MK looked at the sword he was holding as he grabbed his headband that almost flew away with the wind, as he looked at it he got a vision of his father sitting in a throne. His tears falls down for some reason.
Macaque: are you okay MK why are you crying.
MK looked at macaque as he falls down as everyone went up to him. MK woke up with a towel on his forehead as he see wukong, macaque, younger wukong, mei, pigsy, and tang sleeping in the same room as him. MK tried to get up but was pulled by the monk who was next to him. The monk shook his head as MK lays down again.
He looked up and wonders what's happening to him after all these months. He felt a pain in his left eye as he gets up and see that the monk is asleep. He walked to the bathroom and looks at his left eye. He can see a white pupil and everything else black. He blinks twice as he tries to block his left eye with bandages he found on the left side on the sink. As he got out of the bathroom, he sees a small child right in front of him. He grabbed the child and woke everyone up, he showed everyone about the child. Everyone looked confused as if why is there a child in this ship.
Pigsy: how is there a kid here
MK: I don't know I just went to the bathroom and saw this child after I got out.
Monk: didn't I told you to stay put and go to sleep because you have a high fever.
MK: .......oh look at the time seems like I have to go
MK dropped the child and ran. Everyone didn't know what to do as the child kept on looking at the three monkeys right in front of her. The next day. Everyone was outside eating pigsy noodles while MK lays next to the child who was hugging him. She cried as he heard a sound from far away, MK quickly got up and started doing like mother things to their baby when they cry. She stopped crying and fell back to sleep. MK put her down to bed and went outside, as he got out he sees mango and peaches asking for food. He gave them food and walked away and sat at the edge of the ship looking around. He felt a strange presence going around him, he looked around and see someone who looks like him but grayer like everything gray except for his clothes and have the same eyes on both side that MK has. They both stared at each other while wukong was just staring at MK confused.
Wukong: hey does MK look you know weird to you
Macaque: yeah he has a high fever sometimes, he covered his left eye for some reason, he has ears and tail, and his hair is growing.
MK blinks twice and looks at that person again he was gone until he heard a voice behind his left ear.
Shadow MK: well hello there nice to see you again after you trapped me in your soul, I see you lost your left eye.
MK jumped and took out his sword and pointed at him but he was gone. He looked at the others who was staring at him. He put the sword back and walked away like it was nothing. MK ran to his room and slammed the door loud forgetting the child was there. After that loud bang the child cried loud as he can. The bandages fell off and carried the child. Even the loud bang caused everyone to ran towards MKs room. After they ran towards the room they were shocked to see MK's left eye black and white. The baby stops crying as MK sings a lullaby to her. MK looked at them as he put the baby down, he noticed the bandages was off. Later, MK and the others sat in front of MK like he was being punished.
Nezha: so how long have you been having that
MK: uh since yesterday
Younger wukong:why do you keep hiding things from us
MK: uh I-
Pigsy:Listen kid you can ask us we are here for you
Tang: don't you trust us
Mei: yeah you act like there is something going on
Red son: you have to tell us something so that we can know what's going on
Ju baije: I have no words
Sandy: guys can we just calm down
Sha wujing: Sandy's right
Monk: calm down everyone let him speak
That boy: we have to have answers so we can use it for the demon
Everyone was talking and talking while MK didn't know what to do at all his head was like a jungle something he couldn't handle until.
Macaque: maybe it's best if we all just calm down and let him speak before he faint again.
Everyone looked at MK who was nervous to tell them because he still doesn't want them to risk there lives for him.
MK: well this happened ever since the ship where we all met I started to get vision a little I get headaches and feel anxious and feel like burning up like the sumani fire and feel cold when the lady bone demon tries to trap me in ice and I found this in my eye and I saw someone that looks like me but grayer and black too so that's all.
Everyone didn't know what to do until MK heard that voice again, he jumped and see that man again

MK's past life (recontinued)Where stories live. Discover now