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MK's pov:
While I was doing my work at pigsy's noodles some lady in the streets came up to me
"Young master MK please take this crystal" said the old lady
I looked at her confused. She gave me the crystal and ran away, I ran to give it to her back until she ran at the corner, I went to take a look and saw nothing so I just walked away and delivered some noodles
A little later I went to flower fruit mountain to meet monkey king I went to the waterfall and saw monkey king waiting for him
"You are 7 minutes late where we're you" said monkey king.
I replied, " a lady gave me a crystal while I was at work and it felt weird when I hold on to it so it kinda made me weak to get here"
I showed the monkey the crystal in my hand and see that the monkey was in shocked, he couldn't move or do anything he was speechless I went up to him and shake him body to snap out of it.
The monkey looked at him and said, " where did you find this!"
I replied, " I told you an old lady gave this to me she also called me "young master" or something."
The monkey took the crystal and took a look and whispered, "this is real one."
I looked at monkey king with an confused face and said, "what do you mean real one?"
The monkey looked at me and yelled, " HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF THE SAMURAI NAME THE SUN SHADOW SAMURAI!" While hanging back when he yelled.
I replied, " No I haven't why who is he or she?"
Monkey king sighed and said, "The sun shadow samurai was a person who I met back when I met macaque before our fight 50 years ago, he had the samurai clothing and a red headband like yours I was angry at myself for letting him go after that fight between macaque and I, I haven't seen him back then but we met a few years later, he wasn't very happy of me for betraying him and macaque, for some reason he has the same name as you MK and have the same headband."
I looked at him confused and shocked to see that the description of the sun shadow samurai was exactly like what he looked like when he woke up injured. The monkey handed back the crystal and we started training.
After some few hours of training I left the mountain and went home. I sat in my bed looking at the crystal thinking if I used this before. Later on I payed in the bed and put the crystal in the draws and fell asleep.
I felt heavy and feel hot like the apartment is on fire.
I woke up and looked at mei who was crying on the bed, I was shocked to see mei with long hair, dragon horns, and an old fashioned dress.I stood up in shocked and looked at mei again she was the same as always. Mei woke up and hugged me.
"OMG MK YOUR AWAKE!" She said crying on my shirt.
I looked at her confused and said, "it's only been yesterday why are you sad?"
She looked at me and said, "you've been asleep for a week I was so worried the others were getting nervous that you might be dead and monkey king too."
I looked at her in shocked and said, "I've been asleep for a week how?!"
I looked at the draws and picked up the crystal. When I picked it up I saw a bright flash of the sun shadow samurai smiling with macaque and the monkey king. Later on mei took the crystal out of my hand. I turned my head back and forth and looked at mei who was worried. I looked at the crystal and mei gave me back the crystal.
"What is that?" She said. I reply, "an old woman gave it to me yesterday or a week ago."
After a little while I went to pigsy's noodles and see pigsy and tang looking at me. It was silent for long until tang ran up to me and hugged me and yelled, "OMG MK WHAT WERE YOU THINKING ABOUT SLEEPING FOR A WEEK I THOUGHT YOU ARE DEAD😭😭."
"Tang don't give MK a hard time he just woke up after a week." Said pigsy.
I looked at pigsy and tang who looked like jubaije and the monk. I rubbed my eyes and looked again to see them normal again. I thought to myself "Am I going crazy or is it the crystal." I snapped out of it when pigsy called me loudly.
Pigsy gave me a day off, I got bored of what to do until I saw the lady again. I ran up to her to give her the crystal back but she was already gone "maybe I am going crazy."
I went to the flower fruit mountain to meet the monkey king. When I went up there I saw the monkey as his old self. I rubbed my eyes again and saw the monkey the same. I went up to him until something stopped me a figure that looked like me but with purple headband looking at me and runs away. I ran after him and see something that we used to get the sumani fire I was confused "did I got teleported here, is macaque here maybe it's not him" I saw the boy again but he vanished. I felt something sharp in my chest, I screamed in pain and fell on the ground I was about to past out until I saw trees around I was at the flower fruit mountain again. I heard a scream of my name and looked at the person it was monkey king running towards me. I passed out.

MK's past life (recontinued)Where stories live. Discover now