Back story of the samurai

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There was a battle in the city after it ended the sun wukong came in.
Wukong: hey kiddo what happened
I looked at him confused and replied, "you came and helped us fight the demon?"
The monkey looked at me and was confused. "I was at the flower fruit mountain with the white monkey all the time after I found something." He replied. I looked at him then turn around to see another monkey that looks like wukong. The fake monkey went back into his old self and whispered something that me and monkey king can't hear. Later he vanished, I was confused and shocked. After that I went to go and sleep, when I lay down on the bed I felt heavy.
I see something when I get up from the floor, wait when was I on the floor. I looked up and see I was alone with strange clothes and with long hair, my body felt weird like I became a girl. I turn and look around to see if anyone can help me but I couldn't until I heard a strange noise coming from the bush. I was nervous until it stopped, I hear voices everywhere in my mind, it came back I couldn't handle it so I sat down under a tree covering my ears and closing my legs near my face. The pain won't stop, it won't go away, these voices needs to go, this needs to stop. After many trauma I heard a noise again from the same bush, I looked up to see a monkey looking at me it looks like monkey king.
I was confused and terrified because of these pain and voices. I see the monkey looking at something and left to the same bush I put my hand down to see if he was gone but came back with a headband. He gave it to me but putting it around my face trying to cover my ears. I smiled and took it off and put it on my hair like a hair tie. "Thank you but I won't be needing it to cover my ears." I said.
The monkey looked at me with a smile and said, "your welcome human!" I got up and handed him a hand "can you walk?" I said. He shook his head no and I said, "maybe I can teach you how." The monkey was full with happiness that made him jump. I taught him how to walk and do human stuff. He took me to his place to meet his friends, as I went to the waterfall it was blurry and see something else I see monkey king older stuck in a mountain . It felt like it's been 500 years since then, I was having a fun talk with monkey king and I said, "can you make me a promise wukong." He replied, "sure what's up xiaotian." I looked at him in worried face and looked away and sigh. "Never mind it's not important any way." I said, I hear wukong said, "no tell me I can always make a promise." I looked at him and sigh, I closed my eyes and said, "can you promise me that one day if I lost control destroying everything I see in this world can you please kill me in order for this world sake." I opened my eyes and see wukong looking at me in shocked, "what. Wait why would I do that." He said. "It's the only way if you can't do it then someone else can." I replied to his words. Wukong didn't have a choice so he said, "fine I will do it so you can die in my hands and protect this world." I smiled and said, "thank you wukong I appreciate it."
It was blurry again and I see everything burning, destroyed, and people getting hurt. I looked everywhere and see wukong with myself being stabbed in the heart. I see the other me crying and smiling. I see the monk, the pig, and the tall blue guy in pain. I also looked at wukong who stabbed the other me in tears. I couldn't move or do anything until I felt something grabbing me on my leg. I tried to scream for help but can't be heard. I looked one more time and see wukong holding my body in tears. Later It was blurry I woke up and see a person doing something to me, I jumped and tried to hit her but was screaming in pain. "Where am I who are you!?" I asked. She replied, "you are in the village sun shadow samurai." I was confused and looked at the sword and see that I was a boy again . It was the same sword at the one I saw, I ran to look outside and see people around and cheering for something. I ran to get away with the sword and ran into the forest. I was lost and hungry until I heard something up the tree. I looked up to see two monkey talking to each other. I was surprised to see wukong again but was with someone else, I felt a sharp pain in my chest and fell on the tree, I screamed in pain. I tried to take off the bandages but was stopped by the monkey who is different than wukong there was another monkey that was wukong. I heard the other monkey said, "don't take off the bandages it will reopen your wounds." I couldn't do anything it was blurry that I was knocked out. I woke up later on and see two familiar monkey looking at me. I jumped and reached out my sword and pointed it at them, "who are you and where am I?" I asked. "Calm down we are here to help" said wukong. The pain in my chest hurts that made my cried a little. I was weak that I dropped my sword and fell but was caught by the other monkey. "Okay to answer your questions, I am macaque the six ear macaque and this is sun wukong or monkey king and you are at our camp to help you." Said macaque. My head hurts that made my vision blurry.
I was back at a forest sitting in a log until wukong and macaque came back with the logs at put some in the fire. They were shirtless that made me look away. "Put on a shirt you two." I said. The two monkey laughed and put on a shirt. We were having so much fun together and have a lot of fights in one day. I was happy until 50 years later, macaque and wukong were fighting for some reason I tried to stop them but wasn't able to do it. After the battle macaque lost he was about to be killed until I went in front of him and was able stop the fight. I looked at macaque who was injured. I healed him and put him somewhere safe with a portal. I came up to wukong and talked to him. "Why did you do it wukong.?" I said with angry face. He looked at me and said, "it was for the best." And got up and left me all alone crying. Later on I was at the waterfall, I was angry at wukong that I couldn't hear anything but voices in my head. Until I finally hear a squeak noise, I turn to look at it and see a tiny animal asking for help. I can understand him and ran towards where the animal was going. He stopped and squeak at the trouble, I looked at where he was squeaking and see another animal in trouble. I rescued him with all my strength and was able to help him. I tried to walk away but the two animals kept following me so I kept them as a pet because they look like macaque and wukong.
I named the tiny animal that looks like macaque mango and the other one that looked like wukong peaches. I was happy with them until the blurry started again. I can see me with macaque, wukong, peaches, and mango in life and death. I can see myself being sacrificed and was killed in front of everyone I love. Another blurry vision came and see myself with my brother and another man. I was young like the age of 8, I see them kissing and was shocked and yelled, "BIG BROTHER HAS A BOYFRIEND!" I saw my brother and the man jumped with red faces. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE AO XIAOTIAN!" Said my brother. The man laughs and said, "what's your name little girl." I replied, "ao xiaotian what's yours." He laughed and said, "my name is Nezha it's nice to meet you princess xiaotian." I pointed at him and looked at my brother, "it he gonna be my brother in law." I said and see my brother blushing and said, "SHUT UP!" I was shocked and cried while my brother and Nezha was worried. They tried to calm me down so I did and smiled.
A blur came again and I was there seeing my brother falling up in the sky. I ran towards my brother crying, I looked at me and said, "I'm sorry I hate to do this to you on your 10 birthday but here a crystal that I want you to have." He gave me the crystal in my hand and also said, "Nezha is going to protect you at all cost so pls go to him." He died in my hands and I ran as fast as I can to get out of here but when I tried to leave I saw my father killing my mother with the sword. I was speechless that I accidentally fell into the portal in the mortal realm. I ran to find Nezha but he was busy he needed to protect a map that can summon the sumani fire. After all that vision of my old self I woke up in a hospital bed.

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