Bullying is a thing. And it does hurt.

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Gumball: *yawns and walks out of Ward A* Wait a minute... *walks back and looks at the stairs door*

Strange... Andrea hasn't came downstairs... I'd expect her to be coming once I wake up... Today is Saturday and obviously they have classes for some reason, but I guess she couldn't get used to that...

Gumball: *sees someone come down the stairs* Oh! It could be her!
Claudia: *opens the door and sees Gumball* Oh! Hey, Gumball! 
Gumball: Oh... Hey, Claudia.
Claudia: Are you waiting for someone?
Gumball: N-No! I'm just about to do something on my phone before I head to class!
Claudia: Oh, I see. I'm just gonna head to my class since it's pretty early, so see you, Gumball! *heads to the anthropology classroom*
Gumball: See you, Claudia... *sighs and looks at the stairs door* I guess she's overslept...
Gray: *opens the door and heads out of her room closing the door* I wonder where Iris is... *sees Gumball* Oh. Good morning, Gumball.
Gumball: Ah! Gray! M-Morning!
Gray: Have you seen Iris anywhere?
Gumball: Um, no... Not that I know of... I-
Iris: *opens the stairs door heading out and sees Gumball and Gray* Hey, what are you doing with Gray, blue cat?
Gumball: I-It's Gumball!
Iris: Gumball, blue cat, whatever! A stupid kid like you shouldn't be near us because you got this dangerous power disease called shape-shifting!
Gumball: It's not a disease, Iris! It's a power!
Booette: *flies through the stairs door* Uhhhh, what's going on here? *sees Gumball* Oh, not you again. *switches to another topic to speak of* We're supposed to have classes this Saturday for some reason.
Gumball: L-Look! I have to head to class! So I'll see you whenever! Heh!
Iris: Where do you think you're going? I'm not even done talking to you!
Gumball: W-We'll talk later! Anyways, see you later! *walks fast to the English classroom*

Gosh, they're scary... I kind of wish Andrea was here so I won't be bothered by them...

Gumball: *sits down in his seat and waits for the teacher to come*
Iris: *comes inside and stares at him while sitting on her seat*
Gumball: Nnh... *looks away and tries not to get nervous*
Luna: *comes inside with a bandage wrap around her head*
Iris: Is your head good, Luna?
Luna: Yeah, still a bit dizzy, but I'm totally fine. *walks down a row of seats and sits a seat behind Gumball*
Gumball: *sighs sadly and lays his head on the desk*

I guess she cares for Luna... I don't know why she would hurt me for nothing...

Ms. Adeline: *comes inside the classroom* Good morning, everyone! I hope your days are going well!
Iris: Mine's totally fine.
Luna: Meeeeehhh.
Gumball: *silent and looks away*
Ms. Adeline: Alright then! Let's get started!

This will probably be the most boring day ever... Or maybe the most terrible, I can't tell...

Gumball: *writes down on his paper*
Iris: *snickers and whispers to Luna* I'm gonna try to make him blow. *grins deviously at Luna*
Luna: *whispers back to her smiling deviously* Do it, do it!
Iris: Okay, here goes... *throws a ball of paper on his head*
Gumball: Mm? *looks around* Who threw that?
Ms. Adeline: Threw what?
Gumball: Um- *looks back at her* Uhhh- Nothing! I think I was dizzy or something!
Ms. Adeline: Okay then. Continuing on!
Iris: *snickers and grins looking at Luna*
Gumball: *sees Iris trying not to laugh* 

Iris, you stupid piece of-

Gumball: *hears a loud pop and jolts* EEYAAAAAHHHH!!!
Luna: *hides her phone and snickers loudly*
Ms. Adeline: Gumball, what was that for?
Gumball: *is trembling and speaks in a quivering tone* I-It wasn't me...
Iris: Nah, he blasted a popping noise just to scare the others.
Ms. Adeline: *looks at Luna and sees her hand holding her phone* No, I can clearly see Luna's phone out.
Luna: Ph-Phone? What phone? I don't have a phone!
Ms. Adeline: Stand up and show me your hands.
Luna: *stands up but her phone drops to the floor*
Ms. Adeline: Hand me the phone.
Luna: *sighs and grabs her phone* I hate you, Gumball. *heads to Ms. Adeline and gives her the phone*
Ms. Adeline: You will get this back at the end of class. If this happens again, it will be kept until the end of the school day.
Luna: Yeah, right. *walks back and slaps Gumball in the face* You moron. *sits back at her sit*
Gumball: Ngh- *clutches his cheek and whimpers a little* Mm-Mmm...

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