Chapter 7

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Elena POV

It had been a few weeks since I came to terms that my boyfriend wouldn't be coming back. It was different now, life was different. I was on a routine but thankfully school had spring break so I at least had time away from the pitiful looks.

I sighed as I kicked a random branch that had fallen, not knowing what I was doing with life. I didn't spend much time around Finn or Gwen now, not because I was upset, but because I didn't want to bring their moods down by being my depressed self.

I sat on the train tracks, just staring out at the trees. Everything seemed so dull now. I felt like I wasn't living life anymore, just was existing. I pulled my pictures of Robin and I out, just missing his face.

"I hate that I'll have to do senior year without you." I frowned, kissing his picture. "There's not a moment that goes by that I don't think of you, baby. Te extraño."

I got up and went home, confused when I saw another car parked in our driveway. I walked inside and my mom was talking with a woman, about her age and her son who sat across from them in the living room.

"Oh! Everyone this is my daughter, Elena." Mom came over to me, making me wave awkwardly to the strangers. "Elena this is my coworker Sandra and her son, Jordan. He's your age and very sweet."

Mom winked at me and I immediately saw red, knowing her intentions. I looked over at the family, "My boyfriend of two years was recently kidnapped. Sorry if I don't feel like making a new friend."

I shoved her arm off me and ignored her pleas as I raced to my room. The nerve of my mother! Trying to set me up when I haven't even had three months without my boyfriend!

I turned on my stereo, blasting my music as I stared out my window. I turned it off once the anger left me and went to take a nap, not having anything better to do. My mom forbade me from leaving to search around for help on finding Robin, she claimed I was putting myself in danger rather than helping.

"Elena?" I woke up to the sound of my name by my door. I groaned, sitting up but I was confused. Finn was here.

I went over to the door, letting him in. He gave me a quick hug and we sat on my bed. "Your mom called me. Probably figured you wouldn't talk to her when she realized her mistake."

"Robin hasn't been confirmed dead and hasn't been gone long. It feels like forever for me and I don't want to meet new guys, I want to find my boyfriend!" I covered my face, trying not to scream in frustration.

"I'm so-"

"Don't." I shook my head, running my fingers through my hair. "It wasn't your fault and I'm done hearing how sorry everyone is for me. He was your friend too, your feelings matter."

"I'll always feel guilty. No matter what anyone says, I know things would be different if I went too. I promise you Elena, I'm going to do right by him and make sure you're always taken care of. We miss you, we miss your smile."

"I miss it too."

Finn POV

I frowned when Elena said that, hating how my once cheerful and happy friend was. I never thought much on love, until I saw Robin and Elena. I saw how his life revolved around her and she clearly needed him too. I never wanted to go through that.

Sure, maybe I'd be the same way if something happened to Gwennie, but she was family. My friends were different people who needed each other.

I stayed a bit longer with her, making sure she knew no matter what, I'd be there for her. So many times Robin took care and protected me, for him, I would do that forever with Elena. The positive part of me only hoped time would heal Elena and she would be the girl she once was, but it would be selfish of me to force her to be that.

"I appreciate you." She said as she gave me a hug at her front door. I held onto her, letting her take in a friendly hug. "I love you, Finn."

"I love you too, Elena. We'll get through this okay?" She nodded into my shoulder and I let her go, wishing her a goodnight before I left home.

I was passing by my school, about three minutes from home, when I saw a poor dude drop his groceries outside his car. I felt bad so I jogged over to him, "Need some help?"

"Yeah. I just suck at walking apparently." He chuckled as he held up a cracked egg. "Would you mind holding this?" He held a bag to me and I took it, watching him gather his other items.

Something caught my eye when I noticed it was a dark van. I peeked further, feeling nervous now. "Are those black balloons?"

Time seemed to freeze as he suddenly stopped, looking up at me and I felt the hairs rise on the back of my neck as he looked at me so coldly. I immediately dropped the bag and he sprung towards me.

He sprayed something in my face as I struggled in his hold. I wished in this very moment I had Robin's strength. Wait! If this was the Grabber, then he's the one that took Robin!

I did the only thing I could do and used the fork that was in the bag, reaching back to slice his arm as hard as I could. The gas was starting to work on me but I felt happy knowing I had cut him deep at least.

I felt myself being thrown in the back of the van and the last thing I remember was the door slamming shut as I blacked out.

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