𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺 ||ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪʙᴀʀʏ||

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"So where we headed?" I asked Nancy as we get into her car.
"The library." She responds dryly
"Okayyyyyy." I say getting the vibe she doesn't like me.
"Hey Y/n?" Robin whispers to me, we were both in the back seat as Nancy drove.
"Hi." I smile at her.
"Have you dated anyone since Steve?" She says very quietly which I'm grateful for, I don't want Nancy hearing.
"He told you? That's fine I guess. And no I haven't why?"
"Just wondering......you like anyone." She says getting a little closer.
"I-I don't think so." Does she know? I think to myself, is it possible this girl can read minds and she knows that I've been extremely......confused these past days?
"Okay. Okay."

"We're here." Nancy says after a little bit.
"Okay." We both say as we get out of the car. We walk into the library and Nancy walks up to the desk us following close behind.
Nancy begins to explain why we're at the library.
"Okay let me get this straight." Robin starts "Eddie's uncle Wayne, thinks that Victor Creel escaped from Pennhurst Asylum and he's the one running around committing all these murders?"
"Pretty much." Nancy nods.
"But all these eyeball murders date back in like the 50s." I say.
"Like 59."
"So that means these murderers predate eleven in the upside down like 30 years?" Robin adds
"Eleven is the girl with superpowers." Robin whispers to me.
"Ohhh okay, thanks."
She continues. "Which makes spooky Victor creel like 70 years old?"
"So he's a grandpa murderer....." I say leaning on the counter next to Robin.
"Who can turn invisible and lift people into the air."
"I know it doesn't make sense. That's why I said it was a shot in the dark." Nancy says ringing the bell.
"I knowww but when you said shot in the dark I thought you were being modest or hiding a super solid trick up your sleeve but this is truly a shot in the dark. We are like snipers with blindfolds on who have been spun around 50 times." Robin says as Nancy rings the bell repeatedly.
"Coming!" The librarian says as she walks out of the back room.
"Hi, sorry we're in a bit of a rush. Could we please have the key to the basement archives?" Nancy asks
"Of course. Give me one second." The lady says pushing her glasses up her nose.
"Sorry did I come of mean? Or condescending?" Robin asks us both.
"No! Not at all." I say shaking my head.
"No." Nancy says.
"Because you, Nancy seem annoyed. You guys don't know me very well, I don't really have a filter or a strong grasp of social cues." Robin says and I feel bad for her, she's really trying but she doesn't have too. Well at least for me, I think she's super cool and sweet.
"Okay." Nancy says
"Well I like to get to know you better than." I smile
"Thank you. So just know that if I say something offending I known it's a flaw, believe me my mother reminds me daily."
Nancy gives her an 'okay' look then says
"Got it."
"That's okay."
"Here you are ladies. Have fun." The librarian says handing Nancy a pair of keys.
"Thanks. We'll try." She says as she walks away.
The librarian gives us a confused smile and we return it as we follow Nancy.

Nancy looked through old news reports on one machine while me and Robin look on another one.
"Anything......juicy over there?" Robin asks
"Nothing new."
"Same here." I say
"Victor seemed like a normal guy, dead family, missing eyes, took a plead deal, sent to Pennhurst. Blah, blah, blah." Robin says listing off some of the things we've read. Robin leans over to try and see Nancy.
"What are we looking for exactly? Nance?" She asks then knocks on the machines rhythmically. Nancy pokes her head out and Robin continues talking. "Dark wizards? Alternate dimensions? Things along that vein?"
"I don't know. Okay?" Nancy gets up obviously annoyed. "It's starting to feel like this was just all a big waste of time and you're obviously bored so why don't you guys call Steve? I'm sure he'll come pick you both up because I'm obviously not in danger here."
I choke on my own spit when she says this and Robin looks shocked. Nancy walks away, Robin gets up and follows her so I follow Robin.
It looks like Robin almost falls down the stairs but it's only because she was going so fast.
"Hey you know that me and Steve are totally not a thing, right?" Robin says to Nancy
"What?" She says turning around to us.
"Well I figured that you and Jonathan are going strong because you guys are like one of those power couples, you're going to college together but I just want you to know that me and Steve are. Just. Friends. Like platonic with a capital P." Robin says walking off the stairs and towards Nancy.
"And I hate Steve, I would shave his head if I got the chance." I laugh.
"Just incase that was adding any tension between us."
"It wasn't." Nancy gives us both a sarcastic smile. Robin sighs and walks away, I follow her.

She pulls open a draw.
"Oh my god. The weekly watcher. I didn't know they had this."
"Don't they wrote about big foot and UFO's?" I ask
"First if all, UFO's are absolutely real. Big foot I'm still unsure about but we are looking for information on dark wizards. If anyones gonna write about that stuff, it's gonna be these weirdos." She says to me and Nancy. We both give her a happy smile.
"You are one smart person Robin." I say parting her shoulder as Nancy takes the box thing and puts in the machine.
"Why thank you. You're probably smart yourself." She smiles at me.
"I'm not but thanks."

Boring chapter but I'll try make the next one more interesting.
Pls vote :)

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