𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟶 ||ᴍᴜʀᴅᴇʀ ʜᴏᴜsᴇ||

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Once we arrive at the creel house we all look at it in silence. It would look like a beautiful fun house to live in...........if you didn't know the back story.
"Yeah that's not creepy." Steve states.

Nancy and Steve take the nails out of the large plank of wood that had been nailed to the door.
"What exactly are we supposed to be looking for in this shit hole?" Steve asks.
"We're not sure." Nancy answers. "We just know this house is important to vecna."
"Because Max saw it in Vecna's red soup mind world?"
"Maybe it holds a clue to where Vecna is. Why's he's back. Why he killed the creels. And how to stop him before he comes back for Max." Dustin says.
"We don't think he's in there right?" Lucas asks.
"I hope not." I say looking at the house from where I stand next to Robin.
"Do we?" Lucas asks.
"Guess we'll find out." Max says surprisingly calm.
"Ready? Steve asks Nancy.
"Mhm." They let go of the plank of wood it falls on the ground blowing leaves everywhere. Steve tries the door.
"It's locked."
"Really? Why wouldn't they just leave a murder house unlocked?" I say pointing out that it was obviously gonna be locked.
"It was worth a try okay." Steve says looking at me.
"Maybe you should knock." I laugh.
"Oh yeah see if anybody's home?" Steve says laughing a little too.
"No need." Robin says, we all turn to look at her. She's holding up a brick. "I found a key." She shrugs the throws it at the door.
Steve puts his hand inside the door, being careful not to cut himself on the glass as he does so. The door opens and we all walk inside, looking at all the old decorations. So many cobwebs and lots of dust.
Lucas tries the light switch on a lamp. "Looks like someone forgot to pay the electrical bill."
"Good thing we got these then." Dustin says turning in his torch. (Or flashlight whatever you call it just don't get at me for calling it a torch, only saying that bc I'm speaking from experience. Anyway keep reading.)
"Where'd everyone get those?"Steve asks.
"Do you need to be told everything? You're not a child."
"Thank you." Steve says sarcastically.
Dustin hands him his bag. "Back pocket." Steve nods, grabs one then throws the bag on the ground.

I follow Nancy and Robin into one of the rooms.
"They just left everything." Nancy states looking around.
"I guess a triple homicide isn't good for resale value."
"Yeah. Unless you're a witch." I shrug.
"Jesus Y/n you scared me!" Robin yells and I give her a grin.
"Hey guys..." Max says, we all turn to look at her. "You all see that right?" She asks referring to the big grandfather clock once we're all near her.
"Is this what you saw? In your visions?" Nancy asks and Max nods.
"It's...just a clock." Robin says as she walks towards it. She wipes her hand along it pushing on the dust. "Just a normal old clock."
"Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks? Maybe he's like a clock maker or something?" Steve says.
"I think you cracked the case Steve." Dustin says sarcastically.
"Maybe he hated his life so he makes others suffer how he did, or some shit like that." I shrug.
"That's........okay that just sounds ridiculous." Dustin says waving me off.
"Okay everyone stay in groups of two-
"Odd number Nance." I say knowing I would be the one left if I didn't say something sooner.
"Right okay, Robin, Y/n upstairs."
We follow Nancy upstairs letting the others sought out their groups.

We walk around looking at stuff, there's basically nothing here except for cobwebs, dust and old boxes. Nancy walked a little far ahead of me and Robin.
"You know I never thought I would be in the murder house with my ex, his ex, his best friend and all these 15 year olds who are basically his children." I laugh as I watch Robin walk around one of the rooms.
"When you put it like that......it actually sounds kind of normal. I mean compared to all the other stuff that's happened. But if you put the whole monster thing in there it'll sound crazy." Robin says, which makes me think. Stuff that I found absolutely bonkers they all find rather normal now.
"I swear this town is getting more and more insane as the years go by."
Robin laughs and nods.
"This town is crazy-
"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!" Robin was cut off by Steve screaming from the corridor next to us. We could hear him talking to Nancy about spiders or something.
Robin walks out of the room and I follow her.
"You know if there's a spider nesting in there you'll never be able to find it until it lays all its eggs and the babies spill out." Robin says as we walk past them.
"What is wrong with you!? Robin seriously?" Steve says genuinely annoyed. "She's got problems." He mumbles as I walk past.
"Yeah tell me about it." I hear Nancy say. I give a look of. What's wrong with you? Then continue looking around at the end of the corridor with Robin.

"Platonic with a capitol P." I hear Robin say, I turn around but then realise she's not talking to me.
"Yep Thank you." Steve says in response. "And Y/n She made it clear that we're not dating either right?" I start listening to the conversation now. "Like never will never had."
"Yes she made that extremely clear. 'Yeah I hate him, I'd shave his head if I got the chance.' That's what she said. Very clear."
"She said that? You said that?" Steve asks.
"Yup." I laugh.
"God you're meaner than I remember." He says. I stop listening now and go back to looking at stuff with Robin.
I pick up an old book and flick through the pages suddenly a moth flies out, I scream and run over to Robin.
"Are you okay?" She says half laughing as I cling onto her. I can hear Steve laughing in the background.
"There was moth and it was disgusting and I hate moths because they're scary. But yes I'm better thank you." I say letting go of her.
"You're scared of moths?"
"Yes! They're disgusting and small and they have wings so they buzz around and they are just scary!"
Fun fact: I myself am horrified of moths.
Robin holds back her laugh. "You'll be right, come on." She takes my hand and we continue around the house.

Time skip

We all stand in the old dining area looking at the chandelier that's flashing on and off slowly.
"It's like the Christmas lights." Nancy says.
"Christmas lights?" Me and Robin ask at the same time.
"Yeah when Will was in the upside down, the lights......came to life."
"Vecna's here. In this house. Just on the other side." Lucas says
"Jesus Christ." I mumble. We all look up at the light. It's stops flashing."
"I think he just left the room." Robin says.
"Did he hear us?" Max asks.
"Can he see us?" Steve asks
"Headphones." Lucas says to Max. She puts her head phones on.
"Wait wait. Everyone turn of your flashlights. Spread out." Nancy instructs, we all do so.
Steve starts to object. "We're not gonna be able to see if we turn off our flash...lights." But by the time he's finished I'm out of the room.
I walk around as quietly as possible trying my best not run into anything. I look up at the ceiling for a second but of course as I'm doing that I trip over a box. I begin to fall forward but instead of falling onto the ground I fall into Robin. One of her hands on my waist to stop me from falling and get other on my shoulder. I look up at her but immediately wish I hadn't, there's only a small gap between our faces, our lips inches from one anothers. This really wasn't helping my brain figure itself out.
"Hi." She says with a grin.
"Hi." I say back as smoothly as possible. I think she was gonna say something but her flashlight started shining indicating Vecna was now in the room.

I have no idea what this chapter is besides long but like hope you enjoyed it. Also three chapters in one day? Crazyyyy. Also. If I don't update next week it's cause I'm packing for school camp and if I don't update the week after that it's bc I'm tired from school camp, sorry 😇
Pls vote :)

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