My mind never shuts up
It's never quiet
Of course it shouldn't go silent
but it doesn't shut upThe constant fear about my future
The future I supposedly
have control of and should
be responsible for
The overanalysing and overthinking
situations that are too
calm and safe
The reminders of my failures
and embarrassing momentsLet's not forget the heart
and shaky hands
The pain in my chest,
dryness on my tongue
and blurry visionThe antidepressants and
side effects have taken
over me and helped a little
But my mind still doesn't
shut upCopyright © 2022 Kyara Baloyi
Poetry"bittersweet /ˌbɪtəˈswiːt/ Pleasure tinged with sadness or pain" : : Poems I've written when I was in love, depressed, happy or felt alone. Enjoy. 🌼