Love doesn't have
to hurt.
Like slit wrists
or heartache
and late night
crying when no
one is watchingLove doesn't have to
be confusing.
Like constant
doubt and
worry about where you
stand or how much you
mean to
the other personLove doesn't have to
be cold. Like
disappearing for hours,
days, weeks or even a
year. To only be
there when you feel
like it or when you're
bored and have
no one else to
turn to but herLove doesn't have to
hide. Having to
pick and choose
what you find worthy
of sharing or opening
up with when he gives
you all of who
he is.Love just doesn't have
to hurt.
Let it be beautiful
and sweet.Copyright © 2022 Kyara Baloyi
Poezja"bittersweet /ˌbɪtəˈswiːt/ Pleasure tinged with sadness or pain" : : Poems I've written when I was in love, depressed, happy or felt alone. Enjoy. 🌼