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Hawkings, a small town in Indiana, was a strange place

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Hawkings, a small town in Indiana, was a strange place. It always had been, no doubt about it. Not a single person in the town could tell you why but they all had the same feeling about it. Barely anyone moved to the town, with exceptions of marriages but even those were limited. Some people moved out and never came back.

The Harrington's preferred the words 'miracle' to 'strange' on the day of May 2nd 1972.

Miranda Harrington adored her son, Steve, but she had wanted a girl. She would only describe the day that one was given to her as a miracle, while her husband called it a coincidence.

A woman, with a lab ID badge 'Ophelia' on her coat, turned up at their door with a young child in her arms. Tears were in her eyes as she held a file in another hand.

"She doesn't have a name yet," said the woman in a hurry,"My sis— Her mother passed away in childbirth...I can't take her. She's a couple of hours old, she has no relatives. Please, look after her."

Then she left and never returned.

Miranda didn't question why a baby born hours ago had been taken to a random house. They didn't question why a woman in full black and a cap was giving her to them; surely, if this child had been kidnapped, the woman would have kept it herself.

Miranda couldn't have any more children so she took the baby in, even if part of her wondered if it was selfish when she could have a mother out there...she trusted the woman who handed her over.

The Harrington's never told Lucy that she wasn't their daughter. She got away with being one of them, with brown hair that seemed just as perfect as her brother's and blush rosy cheeks. Despite the fact her parents were never really around once Steve was deemed old enough to care for his sister, Lucy didn't mind. She loved Steve and he'd practically raised her even when they were around.

It was the Harrington Siblings against the world, after all.

It was the Harrington Siblings against the world, after all

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