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When they got back to their sect to tell their Shifu about the great news about the martial arts contest, they saw their Shifu drinking liquor. They know their Shifu probably spent the money he earned today on it, which means they are probably not gonna have any party for moving on to the second round. Everyone was too tired to complain so they told PengPeng to make something. Though PengPeng is considered useless, she is quite a good chef. She is normally the backup chef when Shifu is too lazy to cook. When PengPeng was heading to the kitchen, Mo Fan started complaining about Shifu. He said the amount of money Shifu spends on liquor is enough to repair their whole sect's appearance. While PengPeng was making something with their leftover ingredients, she overheard their conversation. She giggled a bit at Shifu since Mo Fan doesn't usually yell at others apart from her (she gets yelled at all the time for slacking). She also has never seen a disciple yelling at their Shifu in that way before. She then finished what she was making and Mo Fan stopped complaining as he smelled the food. They all gathered up by some picnic tables that they had and started eating the food. Everyone said it was good and said that they never knew PengPeng had such good cooking skills. Soon enough, Shifu started getting curious about all the commotion. He got up and went to them and sniffed the food. It smelled so good, that he sat down right away to try it but right when he sat down he burned himself. His disciples pulled a prank on him using magical powder (a kind of powder that can hurt someone with an element). They knew Shifu loves the food PengPeng makes when he is too lazy to cook. He then started running around since his clothes were on fire and ran to the back mountain (pond spring). Everyone started laughing at Shifu. After they calmed down and finished their food they left without saying thank you to PengPeng and left her to clean everything up while they go to practice martial arts for tomorrow's battle. PengPeng finished cleaning up and went to the spring in the back mountain. She started to lock her hands with chains and went down the water. She held her breath underwater and tried to last as long as possible for tomorrow's battle. She was able to get some soul/spiritual power through her soul confinement lock (something that makes someone not be able to use their soul powers). After a long time, she got out of the water, changed her clothes, and went to bed.

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